Healthcare, Rimini is an excellence. The numbers on “healthcare nomadism” say it •

Healthcare, Rimini is an excellence. The numbers on “healthcare nomadism” say it •
Healthcare, Rimini is an excellence. The numbers on “healthcare nomadism” say it •

Rimini’s healthcare is an excellence at a national level. This is said by the municipal councilor for health policies, Kristian Gianfreda, lining up some numbers on so-called health nomadism. During 2023 Rimini residents hospitalized in facilities outside the province (passive mobility) were 1,329 at provincial level, while those who arrived in the area were many more (active mobility): 5,684 hospitalizations of which 3,480 in the Rimini garrison. “In simple words – translates the councilor –: the people of Rimini stay, the ‘non-Rimini people’ arrive, which means that our healthcare represents excellence at a national level. And it is increasingly so, thanks to an important step forward compared to even just a few decades ago, i.e. in the early 2000s, when the phenomenon of the migratory flow outside the province or region by the people of Rimini to seek treatment in other hospitals“. A leap in quality that the councilor attributes to the high level of professionalism expressed by the medical and nursing staff but also to the third sector associations among which AROP is mentioned which for 20 years has hosted the families of children hospitalized in the pediatric oncology of the Infirm. The councilor then highlights a third piece: the process of territorialization of medicine around which the municipal administration, in synergy with the Local Health Authority, is reprogramming healthcare activities. Topics that will be at the center of a council commission scheduled for tomorrow 26 June.

The intervention of councilor Kristian Gianfreda

The so-called ‘health nomadism’ is a fundamental phenomenon for evaluating the degree of efficiency of a healthcare system, as a clear indicator of the quality of services and of the trust placed in the local healthcare system by residents.
And the data from the Rimini area makes us look with confidence at the direction of our healthcare, with a low outcoming and, vice versa, a high incoming. In figures, passive mobility (out) in 2023 amounted to 1,329 hospitalizations at provincial level, while active mobility (in) was 5,684 hospitalizations in the Province and 3,480 in the Rimini garrison.
In simple words: the people of Rimini stay, the ‘non-Rimini people’ arrive, which means that our healthcare represents excellence at a national level. And it is increasingly so, thanks to an important step forward compared to even just a few decades ago, i.e. in the early 2000s, when the phenomenon of the migratory flow outside the province or region by the people of Rimini to seek treatment in other hospitals.
This numerical return is therefore not random, but the result of a well-structured and organized healthcare system, capable of responding promptly and adequately to the needs of patients, who do not need to turn elsewhere to receive the healthcare services and assistance they require. they have needs for their health. I think this is connected to the high level of professionalism expressed by the medical and nursing staff that orbit around our Rimini healthcare system and the ASL company, as well as – and this is anything but obvious – also the third sector associations.
An example of excellence in this sense is represented by the AROP association (Rimini Association of Pediatric Oncology), which recently celebrated twenty years of activity. AROP, with its constant commitment, has created an apartment not far from the Infermi to host the families of children hospitalized for pediatric oncology so that there they can have the opportunity to feel less alone, finding a welcoming and supportive environment.
Added to the enormous work of healthcare professionals and solidarity organizations is the process of territorialization of medicine around which the municipal administration, in synergy with the Local Health Authority, we are reprogramming healthcare activities. The next commission on Wednesday (June 26) will be dedicated to illustrating the state of the art of the proximity model, including the advances made for community homes, structures that aim to guarantee widespread and quality healthcare coverage for everything the territory, reducing pressure on hospitals or offering personalized care ‘close to home’.
The ability to attract patients from other regions and retain residents is a tangible sign of the quality of our structures and our services, also corroborated by the path to strengthening medicine with a territorial vocation, the pillar of this process of further strengthening and innovation of our healthcare.
I sincerely hope that each region can implement and guarantee an adequate level of healthcare, so as to limit the need for individuals to have to move from their cities to find better or more appropriate care. It is the so-called phenomenon of health nomadism, which especially affects the most fragile. But for greater uniformity of services between territories to be possible, it is essential that the central government takes an active and decisive role in supporting regional administrations, having the concept of equality as its compass.

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