Foggia, stone throwing against Ataf bus (line 16)

Throwing stones at Ataf bus, hit half full of passengers in Viale Europa: it happened yesterday evening, when around 8pm, unknown persons threw stones at the bus of line 16. Fortunately, no users were injured but there was damage to the vehicle.

The trade union organizations Filt-Cgil, Uiltrasporti, Faisa-Confail intervened in what is increasingly taking on the contours of an emergency, highlighting “the criticality of managing the lines that pass through Viale Europa at the corner of Via Alfieri”.

“This is yet another episode of this type, which follows public order problems that have already occurred in previous periods in other areas. In light of these events, we express strong concern for the safety of both operating personnel and users”, explain the unions.

“We believe it is essential that the gravity of the situation is not underestimated and that immediate measures are adopted to guarantee the safety and tranquility of those who carry out an essential service for the community. In this sense, we urgently ask for the presence of dedicated law enforcement agencies to monitor the area, in order to prevent further acts of vandalism and guarantee the smooth running of the public transport service”.

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