Andrea Lanari will swim across the Strait of Messina

Andrea Lanarinext July 2nd, will swim across the Strait of Messina starting from Torrefaro (Messina) and arriving at the beach of Cannitello (Villa San Giovanni-Reggio Calabria. Lanari is one of the first Anmil TestimonialNational Association of mutilated and disabled workers: he lost his arms after being crushed under an unprotected press and uses two latest generation prostheses on his forearms made especially for him in the Inail Prosthetic Center in Vigorso di Budrio.

His son will be with him Kevin and the instructor Marco Trillini, swimming expert for people with disabilities and communications manager of the Pope John XXIII Center in Ancona. Both from Castelfidardo, they will swim for about 3 and a half kilometers to raise funds to help the victims of work with Anmil and for the Pope John XXIII Center. The initiative is also supported by a virtuous company, Giesse Logistica, which met Andrea a couple of years ago during one of his testimonial meetings. Anmil explains this in a statement.

On July 2nd, thanks to Asd Siciliaopenwater, together with my son Kevin and two other friends of mine (Marco Trillini and Lorenzo Carnevalini) we will attempt to swim across the Strait of Messina – declares Lanari – and it will be an important objective not only as a personal challenge , but also as an opportunity to promote the culture of safety in the workplace which the daily news shows as a useless frill for everyone“.

Anmil continues: “With this initiative which represents a record and a goal that Andrea aims to achieve by committing himself strongly for months, supported by the Association and by those who have known him in recent years, he intends to send a message of never giving up and even when life takes us puts you in difficult situations, it is precisely in those moments that you need to bring out all the willpower and determination necessary to try to overcome the obstacles. His own story– Anmil recalls, marked forever due to a press he had been employed by a third-party company, without having received any training that could be qualified as such and without being aware that the machine was devoid of any protection system, saw him face difficulties and problems due to the accident also on a family level that would have knocked anyone down. And instead, despite his serious disability, despite having encountered prevention and mistrust on the part of those who could have given him a job supported and financed by Inail, despite having been forced to make great sacrifices and difficulties in order to have a valid relationship with his children and maintain joint custody, today Andrea is an example for the hundreds of workers and students he has met for some years, to whom he tells his story so that they never find themselves facing a drama like his.

“Making the crossing with my son, who was the driving force behind the entire preparation process for the initiative – explains Lanari excitedly – is something unique and indescribable on an emotional level, while my daughter Keira, who will assist me on board of a small boat that will support us throughout the journey, will give me the strength necessary to face this challenge and not make the long training sessions in vain, first in the pool and then in the sea, which we have been carrying out for about a year”.

“As an association of people who have directly or indirectly suffered the consequences of an accident at work and an occupational disease, we are deeply aware of the suffering felt in suddenly finding oneself with a disability or deprived of a loved one, being disabled from work, orphans and widows of victims of work – declares the National President Anmil Zoello Forni – and we know that insecurity at work is a serious social plague that shows no sign of decreasing, as confirmed by the latest Inail Open Data”.

“I also wanted to write and report this undertaking to the Pope and the President of the Republic- declares Lanari– so that they find on this occasion an opportunity to make their warning heard not only on the occasion of unacceptable tragedies which we are increasingly accustomed to”. “For all these reasons, Anmil will continue to fight for safety in the workplace through the testimonies of the victims, especially towards young people who we must educate on prevention so that these tragedies do not happen again – continues President Forni – and we are grateful to Andrea , to his children and to the team that supported them and will accompany them in this great adventure, for the great work and determination they have shown in recent months. Our best of luck to them.”

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