“The 1.3 billion project for the southern entrance to Trento has started”

RFI, under the leadership of Gianpiero Strisciuglio, has started work on the southern entrance of the Trento ring road: a 1.3 billion project that aims to support the country’s infrastructural development while also promoting intermodal logistics

Gianpiero Strisciuglio, CEO of RFI, underlined the strategic value of RFI’s works on the Trento ring road, which will constitute a fundamental component of the connections with Brenner and therefore a strong stimulus to intermodal logistics.

RFI begins work on the Trento ring road: confirmation of CEO Gianpiero Strisciuglio

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), led by CEO Gianpiero Strisciuglio, has officially started the works for the southern entrance of the Trento ring road: the project, with a total value of 1.3 billion euros, has been entrusted to the Consortium Tridentum, which includes reliable partners of the FS Group such as Webuild Italia, Ghella, Collini Lavori and Seli Overseas. A fundamental segment, therefore, for the completion of lot 3A of the railway line which will connect to the future Brenner Base Tunnel. The first two mechanized tunnel boring machines necessary for excavating the tunnel have already arrived in Italy, ready to begin their work, while another two are expected in the near future.

The strategic nature of the works in Trento as part of the RFI projects on the Brenner Pass: the analysis by Gianpiero Strisciuglio

Commenting on the start of the works, Gianpiero Strisciuglio highlighted RFI’s constant commitment to enhancing the country’s mobility, also indicating the long-term strategic aspects of this important project. “The start of the works demonstrates RFI’s great determination in promoting the country’s infrastructural development”, declared the manager: “We work to build the Italy of the future, connect territories with each other and with the rest of the continent, a commitment of large scale linked to the Brenner Corridor, the future connection of people and goods”. The project for the southern entrance to the Trento ring road is in fact part of the European TEN-T Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor and also represents one of the priority lots in the upgrading of the Verona-Fortezza railway line, a fundamental strategic access to the Brenner tunnel from the south. The new railway line, approximately 13 kilometers long, eleven of which are in double-tube tunnels, will constitute a fundamental infrastructure for promoting the transport of goods by train, thus reducing road traffic and, consequently, pollution. The project of the southern entrance to Trento, therefore, takes on not only local but national and even international relevance, contributing to the strengthening of European logistics that RFI, under the leadership of Gianpiero Strisciuglio, is helping to implement.

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