Crotone: An exhibition on cinematographic eroticism in the assistant tower of the Castle of Charles V

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From 23 July to 4 August at the Helping Tower of the Castle of Charles V in Crotone

Kaiserpanorama: the exhibition that explores cinematic eroticism in Crotone

Curated by Giada De Martino, in collaboration with the archive of the Cineteca Foundation of Bologna, it is part of the art events proposed by Calabria Movie Film Festival

Crotone, 24 June – From “Last Tango in Paris”, through “Novecento” to “Metti una sera a cena”. It will be a journey that explores cinematic eroticism at the center of “Kaiserpanorama” the exhibition curated by Giada De Martino, in collaboration with the Cineteca Bologna and visible until August 4th at the Helping Tower of the Castle of Charles V, in Crotone. The exhibition, whose vernissage will be held Tuesday 23 Julyis one of the collateral events of the Calabria Movie Film Festival, scheduled from 1 to 4 August.

The journey into cinematic eroticism begins with a reflection on the ancient instrument of kaiserpanorama, an optical device which, starting from the end of the 19th century, allowed the public to observe the first stereoscopic images. This fascinating precursor to cinema often offered exotic views and, in some cases, the first erotic depictions, introducing viewers to a world of visual intimacy previously inaccessible.

The exhibition

From here the exhibition “Kaiserpanorama” was born, curated by Giada De Martinoin collaboration with the archives of Cineteca Foundation of Bologna and with an exhibition project by ellemme studiowhich aims to explore erotic cinema, crucially distinguishing between eroticism And pornographytwo concepts that are often confused and misrepresented. The exhibition presents a documentary selection of stage photographs by Angelo Novi, which capture iconic moments on the sets of masterpieces such as “Last Tango in Paris” (1973), “Novecento” (1976) and “Metti una sera a cena” (1969) ). In parallel, the works of Antonio Benetti document the film “Una sull’altra” (1969), offering a precious look at the erotic cinema of the 70s.

Particular attention is paid to the film “Last Tango in Paris” by Bernardo Bertolucci, a film which, upon its release in theaters in 1972, sparked a heated media and cultural debate. The dramatic and intense scenes, combined with the controversial erotic narrative, sparked mixed reactions, making this film a symbol of the complexity and power of cinema as a battlefield for ideas and emotions. Interspersing the photographic journey is a video installation of “Stripe girl” (1974) by Lino Del Frà which is part of the exhibition itinerary and which, through an experimental lens, offers a visual and critical reflection on the theme of female pleasure and “rapid consumption”. , a subject still at the center of contemporary debate.

Declares the curator Giada De Martinoin the critical comment: «Kaiserpanorama fits into a historical context dominated by hyper-reality, which is transforming our world into a literally pornographic place, in which the commodification of intimacy is commonplace. It seemed important to me to explore and discuss eroticism in a conscious and artistic way, to rediscover a language that goes beyond the simple exposure of the body and desire. André Breton, in his essay “L’Amour Fou“, drew a clear distinction between eroticism and pornography. While pornography is limited to a mechanical and depthless representation of the sexual act, on the contrary, eroticism involves the imagination, the fantasy, it is an experience that transcends the physical, touching the most intimate chords of the human being , inviting him on a journey through what is hidden and not immediately visible. Kaiserpanorama wants to be precisely this: a world and a way to imagine, to rediscover empathy in an era in which the imagination is put in crisis by a nauseating consumption of images and the need to “show” at all costs; where our ability to dream lives in constant danger of being suffocated. The exhibition presents itself as a dream, a return to desire through the contemplation of what is hidden, rather than a celebration of the body and its apparent nudity. Kaiserpanorama, for me, is almost a conceptual resistance movement. It is an invitation to rediscover the power of the imagination to rediscover the empathy and depth of our most intimate desires.”

Info: The exhibition can be visited at the Helping Tower of the Castle of Charles V until 4 August. Entry is possible by subscribing to the membership card (€5).

The initiative is produced by the Calabria Movie association, with the contribution of the Calabria Film Commission through the Public Notice for support for the creation of film and audiovisual festivals and reviews in Calabria 2024 and by the Municipality of Crotone. Main sponsor: Marino Bus, People Srl, Michele Affidato Orafo, Buscema Francesco Eredi Snc, Marrelli Group, Saggese SRL, Sky Alps, Vitale Boutique, Centro Fisiokinesiterapico Starbene Srl

Information: [email protected] –

Biography Giada De Martino

Giada De Martino is an independent art curator. She obtained a degree in photography at the European Institute of Design, with a thesis on the curation of an Italian photographic archive, from which she wrote a book. Initially engaged in artistic research, she decided to dedicate herself to criticism and curation in the field of photography and visual arts. She curates various artist archives and collaborates on interdisciplinary cultural projects, dealing with research and visual culture. Since 2020, she has held the role of artistic curator of the Calabria Movie Film Festival (CMFF). She currently resides in Milan, where she teaches “History of Contemporary Art” and “Sociology of Cultural Processes” at the European Institute of Design.

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