400 children at the Salesian oratory of San Giusto

PORTO VIRO (Rovigo) – Let’s go. The inauguration of the 2024 Summer Youth Proposal will be held on Monday 24 June.

Four weeks of commitment and service for 80 animators and volunteers who will welcome over 400 children to the premises of the San Giusto Salesian Oratory. A tradition that is renewed every year and which represents an important event for the young Portovirese people.

About twenty manual and sporting activities in the morning, tournaments and big games in the afternoon, outings, evenings, pizzas in company, without forgetting to set aside adequate time each day for training, to reflect and practice together around the attentions and values ​​suggested by Salesian charismatic tradition and current challenges: an intense program to discover one’s own skills, but also knowledge of the opportunities and witnesses of the territory.

The 2024 edition of Per will offer young participants a growth path around the theme of the gaze. Hence the slogan that accompanies the summer: “As if he saw the invisible”. Thanks to the collaboration of Adriatic Lng, a faithful supporter of Oratorian initiatives for years, and with the support of many productive and entrepreneurial realities in the city, the boys and girls of Per will have the opportunity to understand first-hand how they can give life, through their own gestures and daily choices, to a simple and true welcome in a world still moving towards the theme of inclusiveness. The presence of witnesses and some targeted activities will help to educate one’s gaze, and to understand that in life one sees well not if one has good eyesight, but above all if one exercises all the humanity of which one is capable. An important reference will be, as always, Don Bosco’s experience, his life and his educational model.

There will be no shortage of spaces and times in which to involve families and the adult world; evening of games, parades, performances, but also collaborations for manual activities, assistance, etc. In short, a community on the move.

Appointment from 9am to 6pm, every day from Monday to Friday, from 24 June to 19 July to bring summer 2024 to life.

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