procession and crown. “The first thing? I will put flowers in the city”

procession and crown. “The first thing? I will put flowers in the city”
procession and crown. “The first thing? I will put flowers in the city”

“We won” the senator shouted first League, Roberto Marti. And a roar shook the committee in via Braccio Martello a few minutes before 5.30 pm, when only ten sections were missing out of the 102 total. A handful of votes: 654 more than the opponent were enough to Adriana Poli Bortone to be crowned mayor of Lecce. The numbers and calculation programs developed by the staff said it. And this was confirmed by the tears of joy in the senator’s headquarters, where the party suddenly exploded. Stadium chants and streets invaded by voters and supporters, exponents of parties and movements and candidates – elected and not – in the ten centre-right lists.

The party

Then the arrival of the senator. She on foot, escorted by the former councilor and loyalist, Angelo Tondo and by a cordon of party leaders and area supporters, tried to make her way through the embrace of the crowd and the microphones of the press. Tears of joy and emotion ran down her face, while in jeans, sneakers and a baby blue shirt, she responded to those who asked her how she learned of the victory: «I played burraco with my friends, I closed the doors until when they called me and told me I could come down. What will I do tomorrow? I will start her – she told the reporters – to put some flowers in the city. It was beautiful, wonderful, being together and having the city so joyful around us.”

Hugs and pats on the back dissolve the tension accumulated in weeks of the electoral campaign, and in the last few days especially when the level of conflict with the opponents has risen, even among the leaders of the centre-right coalition. On the street to celebrate, Marti and the provincial leaders of the League, Saverio Congedo and the citizen representatives of Fratelli d’Italia. And then Mauro D’Attis, Paride Mazzotta and the Azzurri of Forza Italia. Again, the former deputy, Ugo Lisi, the mayor of Nardò, Pippi Mellone as well as the president of the Salento Region Movement, Paolo Pagliaro and Luigi Mazzei of Puglia Popolare while Carmelo Isola of the UDC participated remotely in the street party from a television studio where he was a live guest. «What do I say to Salvemini? And what should I tell him? I say absolutely nothing, I’m always sorry for those who lose, but all competitions are like this, there are those who win and there are those who lose: this time he lost” the new mayor cut short, urged to send a message to the opponent. «I dedicate this victory to all those who have been close to me – the lady of the Lecce right then added – To my family, friends and all the citizens who have made me feel loved in recent weeks. But also to the many young people who have committed themselves to this project.” A project whose success had faded in the first round by just 24 votes. «But yes, it’s not a drama – the new mayor shrugged – There’s no point in crying over spilled milk. I don’t regret anything about this electoral campaign which, after all, was beautiful. Minister Valditara has already called me and I think they also did so from Palazzo Chigi, I heard the phone ringing but they had already taken it away from me to come here to celebrate.” Another tear rolling down her face.
Then the emotion gave way to political analysis. And the senator showed off that pointed attitude that represents her distinctive sign: «I represented one of the elements that had contributed to breaking up the center-right – she mea culpa once again – And I could only be the one who had the task of bring it together at the end of my political career. It won’t be difficult to build a new ruling class with these lists.”
Meanwhile, the party moved to Piazza Sant’Oronzo, among improvised processions and car carousels. And Poli Bortone has returned to the same stage where in recent days she had seen her protagonist for the closing rally of the electoral campaign. On Friday she asked the people of Lecce to vote, yesterday that half of the people of Lecce who wanted her to be mayor again after 17 years gave her a silver plastic crown, crowning her “queen” of the city. And he immediately placed that “Adriana” ornament on her head.
Then, crown on his head and megaphone in hand, he returned the courtesy: «In recent months I have always felt your affection, the affection of the people of Lecce. And now I want to tell you everything I feel in my heart: I want to thank the many young people I had around me who gave me drive and energy to think together about a different city. «You made me feel at home. Thanks to the many young people who joined us, so many. You did great, now we all have to be together and have fun on Saturday evening at 8.30pm.”

But now for the new mayor of Lecce who until yesterday sat on the opposition benches it is time to return to Palazzo Carafa from the “main door”. And in all likelihood he will do so in the next few hours. Meanwhile, the windows opened yesterday afternoon. When Poli entered Piazza Sant’Oronzo among the crowd and the centre-right procession, the windows of the Palazzo di Città opened and some municipal employees looked out of the windows. A spontaneous gesture certainly. Dictated, perhaps, by curiosity but which recalled the “print the ends!” of Salvemini’s memory. “Only this time we’ll print the finished ones” someone commented. Then the party is over. Everything was postponed until Saturday at 8.30pm, while two batteries of fireworks went off from the Oval.


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Puglia Newspaper

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