Nicola Dellapasqua is the new mayor of Savignano sul Rubicone

Savignano sul Rubicone, 24 June 2024 – Nicola Dellapasqua37 years old last Thursday 20 June, centre-left, deputy mayor for ten years, he is the new and eleventh mayor of Savignano on the Rubicon.

here are the official ballot data. The new mayor is Nicola Dellapasqua (centre-left), which won with 52.43% of the votes. The challenger was Lorenzo Sarti (centre-right) which totaled 47.57% of votes.

Dellapasqua had the support of Pd, Movimento 5 stelle, Italia Viva, Sinistra per Savignano, civic list of young people “Savignano Insieme” and “Patto per Savignano-Azione e Pri” and Lorenzo Sarti of the centre-right with his list “Savignano Futura ” and those of Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia.

The candidates

There was great wait in Savignano sul Rubicone, the only municipality in the province of Forlì Cesena where people voted for the ballot. In Savignano sul Rubicone 6,730 people voted, equal to 49.22%, of which 3,303 males and 3,427 females. There were 13,674 people entitled to vote, of which 6,705 males and 6,969 females, who were called to vote in the run-off for the mayor’s seat because on 8 and 9 June, none of the three candidates had achieved an absolute majority of 50.01%. and so the two most voted Nicola Dellapasqua with 3,855 votes equal to 48.31% And Lorenzo Sarti (supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia and its ‘Savignano Futura’ list) with 2,726 votes equal to 34.16% clashed on Sunday and yesterday. Nothing to do for the third candidate Luca Pirini who had obtained 1,398 votes equal to 17.52%. By law, those who turned 18 between the first and second round were not able to vote.

In the past days Lorenzo Sarti had tried to make a deal with Luca Pirinicandidate of the civic list without party symbols ‘Courage Savignano Change‘, for a comparison. The negotiations, however, had come to a sudden halt due to requests from departments too expensive.

Read also: Results of the ballots in Emilia Romagna: the mayors elected

Ballot in Savignano: the results

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