Trani weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 26 June

Wednesday 26 June in Trani stable and sunny weather conditions are expected for most of the day, with an increase in cloud cover in the afternoon and evening.

Weather in Trani:
The day will begin with clear skies and pleasant temperatures, with values ​​around +25°C during the morning. Over the course of the day, the maximum temperature will reach i +27.9°C around hours 10:00and then maintain values ​​around +27°C in the afternoon. During the evening, temperatures will remain around +24°C.

During the morning and early afternoon the sky will be clear, with a light breeze coming from the West. In the afternoon, cloud cover will increase to 73% at about 2pm, with the possibility of scattered clouds. In the late afternoon and evening, the sky will become further overcast, reaching89% of cloud cover around 5pm.

Final Considerations:
The weather forecast for Wednesday 26 June in Trani indicates a day full of sunshine and pleasant temperatures, with an increase in cloud cover in the afternoon and evening. It is advisable to pay attention to the changes in the sky throughout the day and bring an umbrella in case the cloud cover leads to sudden rainfall. For the next few days, stable weather conditions are expected to remain stable, with possible changes in cloud cover.

All weather data for Wednesday 26 June in Trani

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