One million for school, social and tourism – Teramo

MARTINSICURO. At last Friday’s session of the municipal council in Martinsicuro, the second budget maneuver for 2024 was presented and approved within a few minutes, which provides for the allocation of revenue for a total of 955,797 euros. «It is a maneuver resulting from the excellent result of the 2023 financial statement thanks to which a record surplus of over two million was recorded», the words of the budget councilor Alduino Tommolini«this time we focused a lot on the social aspects, on school activities and on the maintenance and care of the territory, being able to affirm in fact that with this maneuver, after the budget phase of the major works, that of the social budget begins».
The maneuver provides for a total allocation of 243,960 euros in the school area, of which 100 thousand for the strengthening of canteen services and 143,960 for the purchase of a new school bus. For the social area, the total allocation is 66,273 euros, intended for food solidarity, support for the poor and the organization of summer camps. For the maintenance area, 330,463 euros have been allocated, intended for maintenance of municipal assets (roads, buildings and other), greenery maintenance, road safety. Tourism and culture area: total allocation of 79,965 euros, intended for tourism promotion and cultural activities. Design area: 175,000 euros allocated to new designs, an essential basis for creating new large works in the area.
«School», Tommolini’s considerations, «is a fundamental sector for the education of tomorrow’s citizens. With this substantial allocation we want to demonstrate our attachment to the world of teaching. We have in fact concentrated over 75% of the entire maneuver, equal to approximately 720 thousand euros, to support school, social, maintenance, tourism and culture, the true cornerstones of the life of the city, giving a decidedly social slant to the municipal budget policy. Furthermore, we have not forgotten how important it is to believe and invest in new projects, through which to intercept funds to create new large works, and therefore we have allocated 18% of the allocations to new planning expenses. We are already at work to build the next budget, with the hope this time too of bringing new and important appropriations.”
Sandro Di Stanislao

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