Dall’Igna spills the beans on the future: “downsizing” Ducati in MotoGP

Dall’Igna spills the beans on the future: “downsizing” Ducati in MotoGP
Dall’Igna spills the beans on the future: “downsizing” Ducati in MotoGP

Gigi Dall’Igna has made some important revelations about the future of the Borgo Panigale company in MotoGP. We’ll see.

In recent years the issue has often been discussed Ducati in MotoGP. The Borgo Panigale manufacturer, in fact, not only began to win everything, but slowly took over almost the entire grid of the premier class to the point of keeping as many as 8 bikes available and 3 or 4 official in some cases. A situation that has often made purists turn up their noses.

Gigi Dall’Igna (ANSA) – NextMoto.it

In fact, many have wondered if this Ducati Cup wasn’t it a bit too much for MotoGP. The premier class has lost appeal in recent years with the exit of Valentino Rossito the point that even a large manufacturer like Suzuki he suddenly decided to step aside. Of course, Covid didn’t help.

But now all this could suddenly and inevitably change. In fact, a few days ago, the Pramac announced his final farewell to Ducati to move around Yamaha. This will leave a fairly heavy void in the Borgo Panigale area. Pramac, in fact, in recent years has been the Rossa’s first and most important customer team.

Dall’Igna announces Ducati’s future in MotoGP

Ducati for its part has made it known that it will not try to find a replacement. At this point there will only be 2 customer teams left in Borgo Panigale: Gresini and VR46. Dall’Igna, as reported by Motosan, revealed that he cannot yet make announcements in this sense. In fact, it is not known for now which of the two teams will take on the role of junior team of the official manufacturer.

Gigi Dall’Igna (ANSA) – NextMoto.it

The match is one of the important ones. On one side there is the team of Valentino Rossi with everything that entails from a marketing point of view. On the other hand there is a solid team like Gresini which in recent years has provided, among others Bastianini e Marc Marquezthe two drivers then arrived in the factory team.

Even though he didn’t want to reveal anything about the future, Dall’Igna did say one thing: “The goal is to have 3 official bikes and 3 from the previous year, because it seems to us the right balance from the point of view of the growth of the riders and from the economic point of view”. In short, next year the Ducati junior team will have a team split in half: one rider with the GP25 and one with the GP24.

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