Palermo, gallery and photography competition inaugurated at Palazzo Palagonia

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – The exhibition gallery of Palazzo Palagonia, curated by Civita for a project of the Gallery of Modern Art of Palermo – GAM, has been inaugurated in the new “Pietro Scaglione” Press Room. “The exhibition inaugurated today, in the new press room of the Municipality of Palermo, for which I thank Civita and the GAM, is certainly an initiative that gives prestige to this historic building but, above all, that gives voice to the inestimable artistic heritage preserved by GAM. In fact, some of his most prestigious works have been reproduced here through an innovative installation. I am sure that this will be a way to better describe the Gallery of Modern Art of Palermo” declares the mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla. “Together with the GAM and the Municipality of Palermo, we have selected some of the most prestigious masterpieces of the twentieth century from the Gallery of Modern Art of Palermo, identified for their strong social and symbolic value. Their reproduction on lightboxes allows us to create an exhibition itinerary which combines tradition and innovation, enhancing the history of art and making it accessible to the contemporary public”, adds the administrator of Civita Sicilia, Renata Sansone. On the same occasion, the communication campaign “Palermo flourishes with you” and the “Santa Rosalia 2024 Award” were presented: a photographic competition promoted by the Municipality of Palermo with the contribution of the Port System Authority of the Western Sicilian Sea and the participation of the Order of Journalists of Sicily. “Palermo flourishes with you is a story of hope, an invitation to active civic participation and to sharing an unprecedented journey within this four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the miraculous body of Santa Rosalia and this administration is committed to celebrating Santuzza with a rich calendar of events that will be a corollary to the Festino.

Palermo will tell the story of this historical moment with theatrical performances, including on the street, video mapping, cultural meetings, live concerts until the end of the year. Added to these is the photographic competition “Palermo flourishes with Santa Rosalia”, for which I thank the president of the Port Authority, Pasqualino Monti, and the president of the Order of Journalists, Roberto Gueli, for having believed in an initiative which has objective is the creation of a permanent exhibition on the Festino 2024 which, through an international promotion circuit, will take the story of Palermo outside Sicily”, declares the councilor for Culture, Giampiero Cannella. Together with the photography competition, a contest aimed at citizens and tourists who will stop in Palermo on 14 and 15 July, who want to post a photo with the official hashtag of the party #lasperanzasiamonoi. Among these, an image will be selected to be included in the exhibition All the initiatives which will make up the program will be included on the official website “Santa Rosalia Prize”: photographic competition, with the contribution of the Western Sicilian Sea Port System Authority, intends to create a photographic exhibition. permanent to tell the celebrations of next 14 and 15 July 2024. The exhibition, which will aim to create an immersive photo-story of the Festino, will be held in the premises of the Gallery of Modern Art (GAM) in Palermo, in starting from 4 September 2024 and until December 2024. Subsequently, the works on display will be the protagonists of an inaugural event of the Rosalian Jubilee year at the premises of the Port System Authority and then they may be transferred to other premises available to the Municipality, to remain a permanent point of reference for the tourist and cultural offer of the area. Furthermore, the works, during the year 2025, may be the subject of an international promotion circuit. For the realization of this project, the Municipality of Palermo is announcing a photographic competition with the aim of selecting the photographic shots that best interpret the spirit and emotions of this 1400th Festino. The competition includes two sections and is aimed at photographers registered in the national register of journalists or representatives of the foreign press and to professional photographers, not registered in the register of journalists, who have however published photographic services or reports in Italian or foreign newspapers. The communication campaign of the 400th Festino di Santa Rosalia opens up a new vision for the city of Palermo: it talks about the beauty linked to regenerating nature. Images and videos portray details of the nineteenth-century gardens, the botanical garden, the Favorita park seen from the Sanctuary of Monte Pellegrino, and amplify the narrative of a new “flowering” of the city starting from its miraculous Saint. Holiness, expressed in the story of a Rose which is created through the composition of its petals, is a vision, a perfume, a “sudden spiritual revelation” which becomes, as the story unfolds, a plurality of voices, visions, stories which create a the collective soul in which #lasperanzasiamonoi. The Palermo told is the projection of a journey that goes from a dream to a collective rebirth. And it does so, just as happens in a re-flowering, through the care expressed by every citizen, by every man or woman who lives in or passes through the city as a visitor. Just as the rose needs time, water, light and dedication to flourish again, Palermo also needs care and attention, under the guidance of Santa Rosalia. Palermo flourishes with you is therefore a story of hope and a new beginning, an invitation to active civic participation and to sharing an unprecedented journey within this four hundredth Rosalian anniversary. The campaign is created by the Palermo communication agency AlbaMedia.- Photo: xd6/Italpress -(ITALPRESS). pc/com 24-Jun-24 13:10 .

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