Ragusa, the Democratic Party requests the intervention of the ASP in the new headquarters of the municipality’s demographic offices

Ragusa, the Democratic Party requests the intervention of the ASP in the new headquarters of the municipality’s demographic offices
Ragusa, the Democratic Party requests the intervention of the ASP in the new headquarters of the municipality’s demographic offices

Mold, humidity, bad smells and poor emergency exits are the main inconveniences of the users and workers who work in the new headquarters of the demographic offices of the Municipality of Ragusa and at the center of a report that the municipal councilors of the Democratic Party, Peppe Calabrese and Mario Chiavola, sent the Asp 7 workplace prevention and safety service requesting an inspection.

“Already in the first days of October 2023 – explain the two dems – before the opening of the offices transferred from the central headquarters of the Municipality to the premises of the former civic library we had carried out an inspection with the administration, reporting our doubts. Furthermore, on 25 October, we asked to see the opinions of the health company on the usability of the premises, but we never received a response. In the meantime, the transfer has taken place, the offices have opened and since the inauguration day we continue to receive reports from users and employees who complain about the smelly area, humidity, mould, narrow emergency exits and, in some cases, near stairs making them, in short, unsafe even for people with disabilities. Furthermore, these are places that are often overcrowded with users who stay in those environments for a long time to carry out their paperwork and workers who work in those offices every day for six hours, for the whole week, every month… It goes without saying that if the healthiness of the premises is not guaranteed, the employees are exposed to the risk of contracting professional diseases and, therefore, the organization could be the subject of expensive litigation”.

“The complaints we have collected – they add – represent a very serious situation that requires timely and decisive intervention. We certainly wouldn’t want anyone to think that bad odors and mold could be hidden behind some plasterboard panels.”

“For this reason – conclude Chiavola and Calabrese – we asked Asp 7 to intervene, in particular with an inspection, to verify whether these are actually premises suitable for hosting an important public office such as that of Demographic Services”.

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