Alarm cry from beekeepers in the Marche: honey production and the survival of bees are at risk

Alarm cry from beekeepers in the Marche: honey production and the survival of bees are at risk
Alarm cry from beekeepers in the Marche: honey production and the survival of bees are at risk

The beekeepers of the Marche are raising a new cry of alarm for the crisis in the sector due to the climate of recent months. The instability of the weather is putting a strain on beekeeping companies which in the last four years have seen crops compromised with production at historic lows. “The situation is almost disastrous – underline the four presidents of the beekeeping consortia of the Marche (Frederic Oliva, Giovanni Zucconi, Alvaro Caramanti, Sergio Cocciarini) – the productions are collapsing, the spring and acacia productions have been completely eliminated with a loss ranging from 90%. at 95% as well as for coriander and lime which is close to 70%”.

The figures disclosed by the Consortia are alarming: if last year the damage resulting from lost production, for acacia honey alone, was around 3.7 million euros, this year the risk is that it could even rise significantly dizzying with disastrous consequences for beekeeping companies in the Marche region. Considering that the costs for 1 kg of honey produced in Italy exceed 4 euros, in a market where adulterated honey is imported, particularly from China, at 1.70 euros, the beekeepers of the Marche region are uniting and asking for a crisis table to the Marche Region and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.

“There are no longer any margins to work – say the presidents of the consortia – the situation repeats itself cyclically year after year without respite. Due to climate change, temperatures suddenly rise and then fall abruptly, resulting in a prolonged collapse of production while company expenses undergo unprecedented increases.”

In addition to zero production, beekeepers’ concerns are caused by the increase in business and management costs for emergency nutrition without which the bees would starve. In particular, the cost of purchasing emergency food, which is now essential, has increased and is entirely borne by beekeepers. “We turn to the Marche Region and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty – continue the four presidents so that they can intervene urgently to support and not let the companies die, which every day face important expenses, from those for investments to the costs of employees, without seeing the result of their sacrifices for several years now, in a sector that operates, first of all, to protect the environment”. The four beekeeping consortia of the Marche region, united under the ‘Marche di Miele’ brand, committed to protecting the identity of Marche honey, even with the approval of the breakfast directive in the European Parliament, to which they have actively contributed, risk frustrating the work of these years: “A great result that saves the territorial identity in favor of the beekeepers who have been committed for years to the protection of the product made in Marche, but which must go hand in hand with public support for companies in a moment of great crisis” – conclude the four presidents of the Marche beekeeping consortia.

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