Trani weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

Tuesday 25 June in Trani variable weather conditions are expected with overcast skies and scattered clouds during the day. Temperatures will fluctuate between +23.1°C and +30.3°C, with a light breeze blowing mainly from variable directions such as West, North West, North, North East, East, South, South East, South West. Humidity will remain around 50-70%, while atmospheric pressure will be around 1010-1012hPa.

In the early hours of the morning, starting from 00:00, scattered clouds will be recorded with a coverage of 42% and a temperature of +23.6°C. During the early hours of the day, cloud cover will increase to 95% at 02:00 with overcast skies and a temperature of +23.4°C. Subsequently, around 11:00, light precipitation is expected with a probability of 80% and a temperature of +26.5°C.

In the afternoon, starting from 1pm, the sky will be overcast again with 95% coverage and a temperature of +28.8°C. Conditions will remain similar in the following hours too, with temperatures remaining around +30°C.

In the evening, starting from 18:00, the sky will still be overcast with 94% coverage and a temperature of +26.6°C. Scattered clouds will prevail until 11pm, with coverage around 50-60% and temperatures around +25°C.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 25 June in Trani indicates a day with predominantly overcast skies and scattered clouds, with possible light precipitation during the morning. Temperatures will remain quite high, with constant humidity and stable atmospheric pressure. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather throughout the day and to be prepared for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Trani

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