Imola weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

They are expected on Tuesday 25 June in Imola unstable weather conditions with intermittent rain throughout the day. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​between +16.5°C and +24.3°C. Humidity will be high, varying from 70% to 97%, while atmospheric pressure will remain around 1011-1013hPa.

Overnight, starting from 00:00, light rains will be recorded with a temperature of +17.6°C and a humidity of 94%. The wind will blow from West – North West at a speed of 5.5km/h.

In the morning, precipitation will continue to characterize the weather in Imola. Around 09:00, despite light rain, the temperature will rise to +20.8°C with a humidity of 83%.

In the afternoon, the rains will intensify, with moderate rainfall starting at 1 p.m. The maximum temperature will be around +24.3°C around 3pm, with a humidity of 68%.

In the evening, rain will continue to affect the area, with precipitation decreasing in intensity around 9 p.m. The temperature will remain around +18°C with a humidity of 88%.

Final thoughts: The weather forecast for the next few days in Imola indicates an improvement in atmospheric conditions, with a decrease in precipitation and a gradual increase in temperatures. However, it is advisable to pay attention to possible residual rain and weather variability.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Imola

Complete weather forecast for Imola

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