Transfer market, Sampdoria is waiting for Como and Nice for Audero

Transfer market, Sampdoria is waiting for Como and Nice for Audero
Transfer market, Sampdoria is waiting for Como and Nice for Audero

Emil Audero will say goodbye to Sampdoria in this transfer market: the Blucerchiati are waiting for Como’s decisive attack

Not only Giovanni Leoni. There Sampdoria must raise money to be able to build a team capable of arriving in A league and so Pietro Accardi has already identified who the players are who must say goodbye to Genoa, also for a question of salary. Among these there is Emil Audero, returned from loan at Inter, and destined to return to Serie A.

He will certainly be a transfer from which to make money for the market. The starting price is approx seven million and, as reported by the Genoese edition of La Repubblica, Sampdoria would be waiting for the decisive attack of the How, at the moment the team most intent on buying Audero.

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Transfer market, Sampdoria awaits Como and Nice for Emil Audero. The point

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On the lake, Emil would be the starting goalkeeper, with the aim of reaching safety. The How is undoubtedly the team ahead, but also pay attention to Nice And Monk very interested and ready to enter into a possible market negotiation.

Surely Audero will not stay at Sampdoria. The salary and also the status of the goalkeeper, who has just won a scudetto at Inter as Yann Sommer’s assistant, prevent him from being kept in Serie B. This time, however, he should say goodbye to definitive title, without loans with redemptions linked to personal or team results.

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