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Fire in a building in Pozzuoli: rapid reaction by the police

Fire in a building in Pozzuoli: rapid reaction by the police
Fire in a building in Pozzuoli: rapid reaction by the police

Last updated on 30 June 2024 by Sara Gatti

In the 4th cross street Pisciarelli a Pozzuolilast night a fire broke out on the ground floor of a building used for production activities.

Timely intervention by the police

The Fire Brigadetogether with State Police and to the Municipal Police of Pozzuolipromptly responded to the emergency call to put out the flames. To ensure safety during the extinguishing and cleanup operations, eight families residing in the building were evacuated as a precautionary measure.

Post-fire verification and institutional support

Once the shutdown operations have been completed, with the support of the technical office of the Municipality of Pozzuolia static inspection of the building was conducted in order to assess whether it was possible to allow residents to return to their homes.

The supervision of the Prefect of Naples

During the extinguishing operations, the Prefect of Naples, Michael from Barihas closely followed the evolution of the situation, providing its contribution to manage the ongoing emergency.


Pisciarelli: Street located in Pozzuolicity of Campania, in the province of Naples. Known for its important archaeological sites, such as the Flavian Amphitheater and the Temple of Serapis.

Fire fighters: It is the specialized body in Italy for the prevention, rescue and extinction of fires. It plays a fundamental role in the management of emergencies related to fire and natural disasters.

State Police: It is an Italian police force, subject to the Ministry of the Interior, responsible for public safety and order in the nation.
Municipal Police of Pozzuoli: It is the local police force of the municipality of Pozzuoli, responsible for order and security at a local level.
Municipality of Pozzuoli: It is the local authority that administers the territory of Pozzuoli, providing public services and managing the administrative issues of the city.
Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari: The prefect is the representative of the central government in an Italian province. In the situation described in the article, Michele di Bari supervised and coordinated the emergency management operations in the burned building.
This article presents an accident that occurred in Pozzuoliinvolving rescue vehicles such as Fire fighters and law enforcement. It also shows how local institutions, such as the Municipality of Pozzuoli and the Prefect of Naplesare involved in emergency management to ensure the safety of citizens affected by the fire.

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