Palermo weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 24 June

The weather forecast in Palermo for Monday 24 June they predict variable conditions during the day. In the morning, skies will be partly cloudy with cloud cover around 25%. Temperatures will be around +26°C with a light breeze coming from the West – North West. During the morning, the chance of precipitation will increase slightly, with light rain possible and wind intensity that will intensify into a brisk breeze.

In the afternoon, the sky will be cloudy with cloud cover that could reach 75%. Maximum temperatures will be around +25°C, with a wind that will blow from the North West at a speed of around 13km/h. The chance of light rain will be present, but not significantly.

In the evening, the sky will still be cloudy with cloud cover of up to 80%. Temperatures will remain around +22°C with a light breeze coming from the North. The probability of precipitation will be lower than in the afternoon, but the presence of light rain cannot be ruled out.

In conclusion, Monday 24 June in Palermo is expected to be a day with alternating clouds and sunny spells, with possible light rain especially during the morning and afternoon. Temperatures will remain at pleasant values, with a thermal sensation similar to the actual temperature. It is advisable to pay attention to the evolution of weather conditions during the day and to bring an umbrella in case of sudden rain. For the next few days, weather conditions are expected to improve with clearer skies and slightly rising temperatures.

All weather data for Monday 24 June in Palermo

Complete weather forecast for Palermo

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