Bruschini away from Atim, controversy breaks out. MEP Matteo Ricci: «Acquaroli, zero credibility»

Bruschini away from Atim, controversy breaks out. MEP Matteo Ricci: «Acquaroli, zero credibility»
Bruschini away from Atim, controversy breaks out. MEP Matteo Ricci: «Acquaroli, zero credibility»

ANCONA A farewell that makes noise. The reactions to Marco Bruschini’s move from the Doric headquarters of Atim to the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture in Rome were not long in coming. From the official defense of the governor Francesco Acquaroli to the barrage of the Democratic Party – led by Matteo Ricci, who never misses an opportunity to engage in duels with the president of the Region – up to the chatter of the world of tourism at home. In his almost two years as general director of the organization strongly desired by the president to relaunch the Marche brand, Bruschini made himself known and recognised, and now that he is leaving, the aftermath remains.

The defence

The thankless task of managing the hot potato falls to the number one of Palazzo Raffaello, who is also councilor for Tourism: «The news of Bruschini’s new assignment should not create alarm or concern, because Atim will be able to guarantee its operations in the best possible way”, he tries to defuse the bomb from his Facebook profile. Acquaroli is full of praise for the CEO with one foot out the door who «in these two years has made us known and entered many new, prestigious and important circuits, and has allowed the Marche region to carve out a space it never had. For this we are not only grateful and grateful to him but we know that whatever his future professional path may be, he will always be able to collaborate with us and continue to help us grow.” According to the Masaf request won last June 6, Bruschini will take up a non-general managerial role as director of the Agebil III Office (an acronym for general and budget affairs) for promotion, communication and valorisation. A decision that the Democratic Party interprets as an escape that leaves behind only rubble.

The duel at a distance

Escape from a «mediocre and provincial regional council. From let’s Marche to leave Marche”, Ricci ironically continues with his posts. To then focus on the governor as an adversary in pectore in terms of Regionals: «Acquaroli’s credibility is close to zero – he takes up the bazooka – An administration that is putting everyone to flight. First the health managers, now also Bruschini. Failure after failure that hurts our region and relegates it to the role of supporting player, never protagonist. We need a real alternative and we need it quickly and a new center-left from the Marche region that brings together the most virtuous part of society and widespread civility”, the table is being set for 2025. Bruschini’s departure to Rome also had the merit of bring together the quarrelsome Democratic Party of the Marche region, which for once intervenes in unison against Acquaroli&co. Or rather: same music, but with different scores, since everyone sends their own note.

The barrage

We start with the regional secretary Chantal Bomprezzi, according to whom «Acquaroli’s promises that through the very expensive Atim bandwagon it would relaunch the Marche brand, after less than two years, are shown to be completely unfounded». Even more forceful is the group leader Maurizio Mangialardi: «I don’t think the Marche will miss Bruschini, also because, had it not been for the chaos unleashed at Sanzio with the Aeroitalia case, very few would have noticed his passage to our region» . The gloss to councilor Antonio Mastrovincenzo: «Another terrible chapter of this unfortunate legislature which is collecting one failure after another». A day after that the Region will remember over time.


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