APRILIA – Councilor Marchitti: “The 5 Stars have been babbling about everything for over a year, sometimes without even knowing their skills.” – Radio Studio 93

APRILIA – Councilor Marchitti: “The 5 Stars have been babbling about everything for over a year, sometimes without even knowing their skills.” – Radio Studio 93
APRILIA – Councilor Marchitti: “The 5 Stars have been babbling about everything for over a year, sometimes without even knowing their skills.” – Radio Studio 93

The environmental councilor and vice mayor of the Municipality of Aprilia, Vittorio Marchitti, intervenes with a note replying to the numerous press notes sent in recent times by the Aprilia representative of the 5 Star Movement, Andrea Ragusa:

“For over a year,” writes Marchitti, “the 5 Stars and their alleged representative have been babbling about everything, sometimes without even knowing the expertise of the sectors. For example, I read that I should be ashamed of something for which the environment and ecology offices have neither expertise nor dedicated funds, namely maintenance.

Among other things, some participation in ceremonies on behalf of the Mayor are part of the institutional role, which do not detract from the daily commitment in an area in which I have always lived and know inch by inch, among the problems and difficulties that I face every day among our people, among the volunteers who help us and stimulate us and do more than those they have never seen among them doing anything.

Does this mean that the parks are fine in the conditions they are in? Of course not, – admits Marchitti – in Manaresi there is in fact specific funding for inclusive games that the reference sector expects to obtain and in the others, in some suburbs and in the centre, we are working to find resources that we have not found, in order to replace those uprooted and restore decorum to the green areas.

And here another parenthesis opens up: it would be enough to talk to these volunteers – explains the vice mayor – who have sometimes also asked for the help of our operators, and how often they have repaired acts of vandalism. Without a doubt we must all make a further effort to fight this culture that the public good, such as public land, can be defaced and soiled, paradoxically always placing the blame on others.

For example, those who attack from a pulpit know this well after having been disavowed by the neighbors themselves, by other very collaborative condominium administrators whom we thank – he continues – who have instead shown that they appreciate the change of pace, for example on internal waste management to several condominiums, as required by the municipal regulation not from today, which in some cases has brought back decorum as well as increasing the percentage of separate waste collection, data in hand. This, in our way of understanding work, does not mean either looking the other way or thinking we have solved everything. On the contrary.

We still have a tough fight to eradicate the many illegal landfills scattered across the area, often caused by those who do makeshift jobs or don’t pay the tax. On this topic – concludes Vittorio Marchitti – we are fighting to tighten the circle, with photo reports that are producing useful results, checks of residences and registration in the TARI register in the vicinity of areas where abandonments and sanctions occur more often, but also by increasing social spaces and the assignment of these areas to neighborhood committees, which collaborate busily, because where there is sharing there is greater decorum. The results of this commitment will have to be judged in the medium term, in the meantime we continue to work every day, tirelessly, one step at a time, without a magic wand and without wasting too much time on specious controversies”.

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