Tuesday 25 June in Catanzaro, the National Premiere of an Unpublished Opera on Cassiodoro, Promoted by Italia Nostra to Revitalize Buried Calabrian History

Tuesday 25 June in Catanzaro, the National Premiere of an Unpublished Opera on Cassiodoro, Promoted by Italia Nostra to Revitalize Buried Calabrian History
Tuesday 25 June in Catanzaro, the National Premiere of an Unpublished Opera on Cassiodoro, Promoted by Italia Nostra to Revitalize Buried Calabrian History

Tuesday 25 June in Catanzaro the national premiere of an unpublished work on Cassiodoro, an initiative of “Italia Nostra” to “contribute to the rediscovery and dissemination of Calabrian history which, still largely buried

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The publication of this volume on the life and works of Flavius ​​Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator, one of the most illustrious men of Calabria, is a cultural operation of considerable prestige for Italia Nostra, the Catanzaro section, which aims to contribute to the rediscovery and to the dissemination of Calabrian history which, still largely buried, is the foundation of the identity of our land”. This is what he claims the Italia Nostra Catanzaro section who worked towards an important goal for Cassiodorus studies: the translation into Italian of the book by the French theologian and historian, Denis de Sainte-Marthe who wrote a book on Cassiodorus, a fundamental work that remained unpublished in Italian for over three centuries : “La vie de Cassiodore, chancelier et premier ministre de Theodoric le Grand & de plusieurs autres rois d’Italie” published in Paris in 1694.

The presentation of the book – scheduled for Tuesday 25 June at 5.30 pm in the Gissing room of the San Giovanni monumental complex in Catanzaro -it will be an unmissable opportunity for scholars, history and culture enthusiasts, and for anyone who wishes to delve deeper into the life and work of Cassiodorus.

“Italia Nostra is an Association that has been operating on the national territory since 1955 for the protection of the historical, artistic and natural heritage of our Italy. But before the official constitution, for a few years men of letters, artists, historians, art critics, urban planners had sought each other and had united in defense of the artistic heritage and natural beauty of the nation, which were increasingly threatened – we read again in the Italia Nostra note -. The Catanzaro Section was founded 63 years ago, in 1961, by the illustrious Catanzaro professor Emilia Zinzi, a figure of great cultural depth and, among her many skills, also a passionate medievalist”.

“We like to think that, today, she would have been very happy to be able to read, in Italian, this work from 1694 which had never before been translated from French; a fundamental volume for deepening our knowledge of Cassiodorus, who left a fundamental mark on the civil and religious history of the Middle Ages”, concludes the note.

Italy Our Catanzaro Section, also through the creation of this volume, would like to open a new and fertile dialogue with citizens and institutions so that everyone works to preserve, restore and re-evaluate the beauty and historical-archaeological testimonies of the Cassiodorei places, at least those that have escaped the ” devastation” that have marked the last decades.

The appointment is therefore on Tuesday 25 June at 5.30pm. After greetings from the editor Fabio Lagoniaof the president of the Catanzaro section “Italia nostra”, Elena Bovagreetings from the president of the Higher Education School of the Magna Graecia University are also expected, Domenico Britti; of the vice president of the Institute of Studies on Cassiodorus and the Middle Ages in Calabria, Agazio Mellace and the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo, Pietro Falbo. Professor’s speeches are expected Domenico Benociof the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archeology and don Maurizio Franconierehead of the Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage Office of the Diocese of Catanzaro-Squillace.

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