14 apartments for families in difficulty

Fourteen new homes at controlled prices for families in economic difficulty, completely renovated, which will not only be the starting point for a new life, but also a symbol of redemption towards greater integration in the fight against the housing emergency. The building in via Zezio 57E was inaugurated yesterday, completely redeveloped by the Società Cooperativa Edificatrice for a cost of 2.4 million, also thanks to a contribution of 800 thousand euros from the Lombardy Region for subsidized construction.

The building, dating back to the late 1920s, was equipped with a coat, lift, solar panels and has 14 apartments of different sizes, from two-room apartments up.

«This is a historic neighborhood of the Cooperative, one of the first to arise when it was established – explains the president Silvano Molteni – This house was built in 1919 with the needs of that time: today we have achieved, also thanks to the intervention of the Lombardy Region , 14 new apartments. The cooperative in the city has over 1000 apartments, many of which are dated: we had set ourselves a renovation program, but we had to slow it down due to the high costs. A cooperative whose only income is rent must operate very carefully.” And he adds: «Maintenance costs have also increased, it is difficult to maintain a balance. We hope that the institutions can pay attention to the cooperatives, because if we increased the fees, we would penalize families.”

«Participating in a moment like this is fantastic, 14 families will be able to have a real estate unit at a price that is truly outside the downward market – also highlights the mayor Alessandro Rapinese -. The Edificatrice model is of absolute quality: it is not just about building, but also managing the tenants, checking the conditions, the quality of life. Don’t think that this is normal, but it is the result of passion, will, respect and attention for others, something we must be proud of. L’Edificatrice is a model of sustainability of real estate assets: the secret is to work hard, well and seriously.”

Regional councilor Angelo Orsenigo was also present yesterday. «Today it is reconfirmed that the cooperative aspect has been, is and will continue to be the winning card to face some fundamental challenges – his comment -. What we are celebrating today is a living challenge which, faced in a cooperative manner, guarantees a good result. The issue of housing must be at the top of everyone’s political agenda, because the right to have a home is fundamental, especially at an affordable price.”

«Congratulations to this cooperative – the final judgment of Matteo Busnelli of the regional LegaCoop – now in the regional territory, finding availability of rental accommodation is a feat. This was only possible because, in recent years, those who have governed the cooperative have paid attention to thinking about future generations.”

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