Two feminicides during the night in Arezzo and Cagliari

In just a few hours, two tragic episodes of feminicide profoundly shook the communities of Arezzo and Cagliari, bringing to the fore stories of desperation and family conflicts that ended dramatically. In Arezzo, Alessandro Sacchi, 80, killed his wife Serenella Mugnai, 72, suffering from Alzheimer’s, with a gunshot.

Sacchi, worn out by his wife’s illness and by the burden of care that weighed exclusively on him, made the desperate gesture in the night. At 00:30, holding a 7.65 caliber pistol, regularly owned, he shot his wife. Immediately afterwards, he called the neighbors to inform them of what had happened and waited in silence for the police to arrive.

Almost at the same time, in Cagliari, Luciano Hellies, 77, stabbed his wife Ignazia Tumatis, 59, to death at the height of an argument. Tumatis had just returned home after attending the Italy-Spain football match when the argument with her husband began. Having lived separately at home for about two years, with separate bedrooms but sharing meals, tensions between the two were frequent.

The argument degenerated into violence when Hellies grabbed a large kitchen knife, hitting his wife with at least nine slashes. After the crime, Hellies called one of her four daughters to confess what happened: “I killed my mother”, he said on the phone. In both cases, the authorities intervened promptly.

In Arezzo, the police found Sacchi in a state of shock, while in Cagliari the officers stopped Hellies, still dressed in his bloody clothes. The doctors’ attempts to resuscitate Ignazia Tumatis were in vain, and the flying squad investigators, the medical examiner and the prosecutor Diana Lecca arrived on the scene. While being taken to the police station, Hellies said a few words: “He laughed in my face and I never saw him again.”

Expert in Diplomatic and International Law. He has worked in the world of publishing and communication for over 30 years. He was representative of local publishers in FIEG, Administrator of Canale 10 and General Director of the Centro Stampa srl ​​company. An attentive connoisseur of the Caserta reality.

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