Passaggi Festival kicks off in Fano, the new thing is theater – Books – Il libro in piazza

Passaggi Festival kicks off in Fano, the new thing is theater – Books – Il libro in piazza
Passaggi Festival kicks off in Fano, the new thing is theater – Books – Il libro in piazza

And theater is the novelty of the 12th edition of Passaggi Festival scheduled for June 26th to 30th in Fano. Two shows are planned: the first is dedicated to Adriano Olivetti, performed at the Rome Auditorium, celebrated for the 100th anniversary of Paolo Volponi’s birth; the other is dedicated to a book presented at Passaggi Festival as a national preview in 2022 and written by the director of ANSA Luigi Contu, “Books feel alone”; a book that has become an exhibition with the display of an unpublished autograph by Giuseppe Ungaretti and which is now transposed into the dimension of the theatrical show, already presented at the Manzoni in Rome and therefore this is the second national event.

This morning in Fano the presentation of Passaggi Festival 2024 took place with the theme “Error and artifice”. “Ours is the summer event dedicated to books – recalled Giovanni Belfiori, director of the Festival – and presentations are at the center of our initiatives. Our heart is non-fiction and non-fiction, but it is not an academic or only for professionals”. In the program, he added, “there is everything, from the artist’s biography to history, economics, sport, a vast program which in five days condenses 150 events where the book plays the lion’s share, but together with the book presentations we will have other events”.

For example, “the workshops for children, the writing masters already all booked, the scientific aperitifs with the University of Camerino which have been taking place for seven years now, the two theater shows, the exhibitions. The theater – continued Belfiori – is the novelty of this year.

The awards to Luigi Manconi, defender of human rights, Alessandro Cattelan for the courage to have founded the “Accento” publishing house, Barbara Stefanelli, deputy director of Corriere della Sera (who will be interviewed by Paolo Petrecca, director of Rai News), will act as a corollary to an important parterre of guests, among which Marcello Veneziani, Roby Facchinetti, Luca Bizzarri, Gianluca Grignani, Riccardo Rossi, Mauro Canali, Alessandra Mussolini stand out.

Passaggi is a choral event that involves the entire historic center of Fano and attracts thousands of spectators. The new mayor of Fano Luca Serfilippi declared himself “happy to start with Passaggi Festival because I am a convinced supporter of this festival which is a great event not only for Fano but for the entire Marche region>. The president of Passaggi Festival Cesare Carnaroli, finally, he said he was confident in the renewal of the agreement with the Municipality of Fano expiring this year to allow the festival to remain in the Marche city.

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