Domenico Gagliardi’s point

Domenico Gagliardi’s point
Domenico Gagliardi’s point
The municipal councilor of Molfetta Libera, Domenico Gagliardi, wanted to take stock of what emerged from the last city meeting:

“On June 27th, various measures with crucial content for the future of the City of Molfetta were brought to the attention of the City Council and I feel the duty to inform the citizens that the municipal council of Mayor Minervini has ordered the increase of the TARI to the extent of 10 percent and that the council majority (in firm opposition on our part) approved the measure”.

“A measure against which, as a representative of the political group Molfetta Libera (composed of Area Pubblica and Sinistra Italiana) I have expressed and continue to express my firm dissent for three reasons”:

  • The service, in our opinion, continues to be inadequate and insufficient with respect to the needs of citizens, despite the numerous hirings of new staff.
  • For waste collection, we citizens pay the Municipal Services Company (ASM) over 10 million euros per year which, however, we do not see transformed into an efficient service at all
  • The ASM (data resulting from the administrative documents) is burdened by 7 million euros of debt, which is not clear where it comes from and above all how it can be repaid and in what timeframe”.

“Maximum transparency on this point is needed from the Mayor, because the cost of the service continues to be excessive and, if it is true as it is that ASM is burdened by debts and that many citizens do not pay the TARI, our concern for the finances of the poor citizens appears more than well-founded”.

“During the Council, two measures were also approved, with respect to which I expressed strong dissent and voted against. The single planning document, which contains the public works and projects, as well as the intentions of the Minervini council, does not seem to reflect the needs of the citizens are fully met. There are various areas, completely neglected: the people of Molfetta must know that we are still paying a 12 million euro loan for the resurfacing of the city streets, but after the arrests for corruption in June 2021, they are only asphalted half of the roads covered by the contract: what happened to the other money? It is not known. Nor is there any mention of it in the document approved by the council.”

“This document does not contain any programming in favor of young people. Nothing at all. For example, citizens must know that the Municipality of Molfetta (that is, us with our sacrifices) spent 3 million euros to renovate the Palazzo della Musica, but this building, entrusted to 11 associations, has seen 10 of the 11 associations abandon their activity. The question is: who pays the costs of managing the Palazzo della Musica, perhaps we citizens? What is the municipal administration waiting for to send away this only association that manages it and redo the tender? Are they waiting for us to turn to the competent bodies?”.

“In addition, yesterday’s city council discussed a financial maneuver to adjust the city budget for a total of 130 million euros. A monstrous maneuver, against which I voted, considering that the budget was approved just six months ago. It is therefore legitimate to ask, why after only six months, the Minervini council felt the need to redo the budget from scratch, perhaps this maneuver hides something we do not know? It is good that the mayor tells us everything with maximum transparency”.

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