Asti distances itself from National Youth [DOCUMENTO] –

Asti distances itself from National Youth [DOCUMENTO] –
Asti distances itself from National Youth [DOCUMENTO] –

Following the investigation by the newspaper, broadcast during the June 13, 2024 episode of “Piazzapulita”, which revealed neo-fascist behavior within Gioventù Nazionale (youth wing of Fratelli d’Italia)the minority councilors of the Asti City Council (Mario Malandrone, Vittoria Briccarello, Mauro Bosia, Roberto Migliasso, Roberto Vercelli, Michele Miravalle, Valter Saracco, Luciano Sutera, Gianfranco MIroglio, Paolo Crivelli, Maria Ferlisi e Max Cerruti) have submitted a question (readable in full in the attached file) to Mayor Rasero and the competent councilors. The investigation showed videos with Nazi anthems, Roman salutes, and declarations glorifying fascismsparking concern and outrage.

In the shared document, the councilors underlined the importance of the values ​​of the Resistance and the fight against anti-Semitism and totalitarianismvalues rooted in the history of the Province of Asti, Gold Medal for Military Valor for the Resistance. They expressed concern about the influence that such behaviors could have on local youth organizations and on respect for democratic values.

The question asks specific questions on the presence and activities of National Youth in Astisui relations with the national section and on the participation in events promoted by the organization. Furthermore, it is asked whether the councilors of the Municipality of Asti belonging to the Brothers of Italy party have distanced themselves from this organization.

Also asking the Administration what measures it intends to adopt to monitor and prevent any neo-fascist or extremist infiltration in local youth organizations and whether public meetings are planned to publicly discuss the Fanpage investigation.

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