Pesaro, Korean Week: exhibition of Korean artists at the Rossini Gallery until June 30th

Pesaro, Korean Week: exhibition of Korean artists at the Rossini Gallery until June 30th
Pesaro, Korean Week: exhibition of Korean artists at the Rossini Gallery until June 30th

Pesaro, designated Italian Capital of Culture 2024, celebrates Korean art and culture with an interesting contemporary art exhibition entitled “The Three Seasons”. This exhibition, inaugurated on June 20, 2024 at the Rossini Gallery, officially opens the Korean Week, a series of events that pay homage to the long history of friendship and cultural dialogue between Pesaro and the Republic of Korea.

The Artists on Exhibition

The “Three Seasons” exhibition features the works of three talented and original Korean artists: Sun Hee Moon, Yunmi Lee and Da Sol Hwang. Each of them brings with them a rich wealth of experience and an intense vision of figurative art, intertwining techniques and concepts that reflect their common origins and their distinctive artistic path.

Sun Hee Moon, born in Seoul in 1970, has lived in Italy for over 25 years, after a childhood spent in Brazil where she earned a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning. Her visual art, characterized by paintings and installations, includes works from a series of still lifes and a selection of portraits of Korean subjects. For Sun Hee, painting a portrait is a journey beyond simple technique, a profound exploration of the human soul in which the boundary of the present body always fades into the dimension of sensitivity, of the uniqueness of every human being.

Yunmi Lee, a sculptor born in Incheon in 1992 and resident in Matera, has enriched her career with two degrees and numerous participations in international symposia. Skilled at working large stone and marble, Yunmi brings to Pesaro a selection of small sculptures, including works that experiment with mosaic, demonstrating exceptional versatility and craftsmanship. Her sculptures condense human presences and gestures, with a precious harmony and the bold but suggestive combination of marble and mosaic.

From Sol Hwang, born in Seoul in 1992 and trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, lives and works in Pietrasanta. Her art is rooted in the use of India ink and in subjects full of oriental symbolism. In Pesaro, Da Sol presents works from the “Empty” and “Emotion” series, as well as the “Record” installation, offering an intimate and poetic vision of the human condition, which finds its fulfillment in the mirror, a key moment in which the spectator becomes part of the world represented.

Korean Week in Pesaro

From 20 to 23 June 2024, in conjunction with the 60th International New Cinema Exhibition, Pesaro hosts the Korean Week, an event that celebrates Korean culture in all its forms. This rich program of events, sponsored by the Municipality of Pesaro, the Embassy of Korea in Italy and the Korean Cultural Institute in Rome, offers a complete immersion in Korean music, cinema, art and gastronomy. Among the locations involved, Palazzo Gradari, Alusfera, Galleria Rossini, Piazzale della Libertà and the Opera Restaurant stand out.

The official inauguration of Korean Week took place on June 20th in the Metaurense Hall of Palazzo Ducale, in the presence of the Korean Ambassador to Italy. This symbolic event also celebrates 140 years of diplomatic relations between Italy and the Republic of Korea, underlining the importance of the cultural ties and friendship that unite Pesaro and Korea.

Cinema and International Collaborations

2024 marks a significant year for Pesaro, not only as Capital of Culture but also as a center of international cooperation. The 60th edition of the Venice International Film Festival dedicates a special window to South Korean cinema, in collaboration with the Busan Cinema Center. This section will present a selection of feature films and short films, offering the Italian public an overview of the innovation and quality of contemporary Korean cinema.


The “Three Seasons” exhibition and Korean Week represent an opportunity to explore and appreciate the cultural and artistic richness of South Korea. The works of Sun Hee Moon, Yunmi Lee and Da Sol Hwang offer a fascinating look at the different expressions of contemporary Korean art, not without international references, paying homage to the beauty and complexity of intercultural dialogue. Pesaro, with its role as Italian Capital of Culture 2024, confirms itself once again as a crossroads of cultural exchange and enrichment.

In the photo by Fabio Patronelli, the writer and critic Roberto Malini describes a work by Sun Hee Mon to a group of visitors


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