Welfare construction site, focus on minors and families: registrations still open

Welfare construction site, focus on minors and families: registrations still open
Welfare construction site, focus on minors and families: registrations still open

It is still possible to register, until 12pm on Monday 24 June, for the participatory discussion “Welfare Construction Site – Minors and Families Area”, scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 26th, from 2pm to 6pm, in the setting of the monumental hall of Palazzo Gotico. The membership form to be filled out online is available on the website www.comune.piacenza.it, also highlighted on the home page.

The meeting will be a moment of sharing between institutions and operators of the local welfare system, which will lead to the definition of the guidelines for a participatory construction of the 2024 Area Plan. “Working together, identifying priority needs, possible responses and building a new model of community welfare: plural, community, generative. This is the objective we set ourselves with the Piacenza Welfare Worksite, a common working space between public bodies and institutions, the Third Sector, civic networks and active citizenship”: this is the hope that Nicoletta Corvi, Councilor for Childhood Policies, solidarity, housing and social inclusion, he expressed on the eve of this important appointment.

The need to identify local emergencies regarding minors and families and the viable solutions to deal with them has led to the definition of a series of topics that will be the subject of working tables and subsequent sharing. In particular, the focus of the discussion will be on being parents today in the different phases of life and growth processes, with the related implications related to the conciliation of work and educational care times, on the well-being of adolescents and pre-adolescents in the post-pandemic and on the growth and social inclusion processes of young people with a migratory background.

Highlighting the importance of a shared path, Councilor Corvi underlines that, “without abdicating the responsibilities and tasks of the Public Administration, we believe it is extremely significant to collect and enhance the contribution of all those who in various capacities have children and women at heart girls, boys and girls, their families, to tighten the knots of a network that truly leads to building, for our city, an educational community that acts with reciprocity, responsibility for the care of the little ones and attention to parents and relationships family members.”

The invitation from the Municipality of Piacenza is addressed to all those who are interested in participating in the discussion, representing bodies, associations, or groups to which they belong. In the registration form available online it is possible to indicate the topic relating to the individual working group in which you intend to participate. To obtain more information about the initiative and how to participate in it, you can contact the contacts on the telephone numbers 0523-492730, 0523-492734, 0523-492720 and 334 9928487, or write [email protected]. it and [email protected] .

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