The ASL Panda stops in the fields outside Novara: the carabinieri arrive

The ASL Panda stops in the fields outside Novara: the carabinieri arrive
The ASL Panda stops in the fields outside Novara: the carabinieri arrive

Whoever tells it doesn’t skimp on details. He and she, aboard a white Panda belonging to the ASL Novara, were stopped by the police. Normal check-up? Not exactly. They weren’t speeding down a street, nor were they parked on a sidewalk or a flowerbed. The company car was a short distance from a cemetery, among the fields of a town on the outskirts of Novara.

The previous Wednesday
It had already happened the day before yesterday when the stopwatch was also started: «Same car, same people. They remained there from 11.15am to 12.20pm – says the witness who also noted the license plate number -. It also happened yesterday morning, they arrived at 11.” At that point the police were called. The patrol arrived – without finding them in intimate attitudes as the person who notified 112 would have indicated – and the story ended with the request for documents and many goodbyes. There will be no judicial aftermath. No interruption of public service.

The director of the ASL Novara, Angelo Penna, confirms that so far no formal report of the incident has arrived on his table. This does not mean that he holds back: «Any fact – he specifies – must first of all be understood for what it is in the reality of things and not for how it may appear at first reading. We must not be fooled by hasty reconstructions. In any case we will make the necessary checks, recalling the correct use of the means and behavior during the hours of service. No problem, if responsibilities emerge, to take the most appropriate measures.”

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