Annual banquet for the Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Arezzo

Annual banquet for the Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Arezzo
Annual banquet for the Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Arezzo

The annual banquet of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of the province of Arezzo took place on 19 June. On this occasion, as per tradition, stamps were given to new members and plaques to professionals with 50 years of activity. For 2024, Marcella Ciloni and Narciso Polvani were awarded for having reached the prestigious professional goal. The professional seal, however, was awarded to Lucia Grifoni, Andrea Benigni, Riccardo Lodovichi, Luca Soldani. Luca Bragagni is registered in the special list.

President Tiezzi took stock of the activity, going into detail on the state of health of the category. “At a local level, but the data is also confirmed by the national trend, the stalemate situation remains regarding the number of members of our register. Despite this, we have decided to leave the annual fee unchanged despite the increased contribution to be paid to the National Council. It was a difficult choice but, given the various kinds of difficulties that we are all forced to face on a daily basis, we wanted to send a signal of attention to our colleagues”. Tiezzi then underlined how the 2023 financial year also closed with a significant administration surplus and a positive economic result. “This figure, in line with that of previous years, is the result of the careful work of the Council, aimed at guaranteeing colleagues an adequate training standard without excessively burdening the organisation’s accounts”.

The president of the Order then focused on the new Code of Ethics launched by the National Council. “As part of this important innovation, I would like to highlight the introduction of Fair Compensation. It’s a sort of return to the past which I personally find favourable. The abolition of professional tariffs has not in fact served to liberalize the professional market, but to favor the predominance of capital over work understood as a human factor, with an inexorable loss of quality of services. Therefore, I hope that the inclusion of article 25 in the Code of Conduct will contribute to restoring dignity to the work that accountants carry out on a daily basis amidst so many difficulties.”.

Regarding the Council’s activity, Tiezzi highlighted how the objectives in terms of training have been largely achieved. “Thanks to the important work of the Foundation, to guarantee coverage of the mandatory professional updating without additional costs for colleagues”. Furthermore, from this year there will be the possibility of enriching the range of training offerings in collaboration with the Florence Foundation which, by virtue of an agreement drawn up with the Conference of the Order of Tuscany, will offer training packages for all the Tuscan provinces .

Finally, Tiezzi thanked the Equal Opportunities Committee for its commitment which contributed to giving new life and visibility to the entire category. “The initiatives carried out, such as the installation of the Red Bench in Pertini Park, have certainly helped to change the perception and reason for our presence, a presence that must not be confined to the economic sphere alone but which can also manifest itself in cultural terms with significant impacts on the social fabric in which we operate”.

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