Reggio Emilia, tricycle for disabled people stolen from Damiano Cabassi: “An anonymous donor wants to give me one”

OfAdriano Arati

Damiano Cabassi, 38 years old, is a cyclist, skier and writer: the theft of the vehicle he uses for his autonomy on the day of the municipal elections. The appeal on social media and the denunciation up to the solidarity competition and the donation

The stolen bike repaid by a generous donor. The ugly story that has involved in recent days could end with a happy ending Damiano Cabassi, 38 year old cyclist, skier, disabled writer and popularizer originally from Cadelbosco di Sopra, in the province of Reggio Emilia.

The story of Damiano Cabassi and his path to autonomy

Damiano has been living in the city, in Reggio, in the apartment for some time “Seventh heaven”, a structure wanted by the Municipality where several people with disabilities reside together with occupational therapists and educators. For his travels, he almost exclusively uses a special tricycle Atala, equipped according to your needs, configured with six gears. During the election weekend, that of 8 and 9 June, the man temporarily returned to Cadelbosco di Sopra, a few km from Reggio, to closely follow the administrative ones in which he was engaged, as a candidate of the civic list that obtained the majority and will govern the country in the next five years.

The theft of the tricycle on election day

Once I returned to the apartment, which is located in via Brigata Reggio, the unpleasant discovery: the tricycle was gone, stolen on the days when Damiano was absent. Cabassi immediately published an announcement on social media, in which he is very active, reporting the subtraction of the medium.

The appeal on social media and the complaint to the police

On Friday, seeing that the various efforts and sharing had no effect, he resigned himself to report the incident to the police. For Damiano the problem is big: «I can only get around the city with my bike, my condition prevents me from getting a driving licence. I have always tried to be as autonomous as possible» said Cabassi.

The solidarity race to buy a new one

A person who is not discouraged in the face of difficulties, as some recent undertakings have recalled: a few months ago he gave birth at Gardenissima, the longest giant slalom in the world, using a special dual ski.
The outburst of solidarity that followed the spread of the news of the theft warmed Damiano’s mood and brought concrete possibilities to overcome the problem. Lots of people up Facebook they asked how they could possibly contribute and a group of neighbors from Reggio Emilia have already taken action for a possible collection.

The donation is anonymous in favor of the victim of the theft

But there may not be any need: an anonymous citizen, after reading what happened, contacted the 38-year-old to make him available a tricycle similar to the stolen Atalaand within a few days Damiano should be able to cycle again independently on the cycle paths and streets of Reggio, to carry on the its path to autonomy.

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