Recovery of the Rendina Dam: 113 million financing

Recovery of the Rendina Dam: 113 million financing
Recovery of the Rendina Dam: 113 million financing

The project included in the National Plan for Water Security

The President of the Basilicata Region, Vito Bardi, expressed great satisfaction for the inclusion of the Rendina dam recovery project among those financed by the National Plan for Infrastructure Interventions and for the Safety of the Water Sector (Pniissi). The intervention, presented by the Basilicata Region, will be financed with 113 million euros from the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr). The Land Reclamation Consortium will be the implementing body of the project.

“The Rendina dam is a crucial infrastructure for the development of Basilicata and Southern Italy. At full capacity, it will be able to contain approximately 20 million cubic meters of water, contributing significantly to the resolution of the water emergency and supporting the agricultural sector, which is fundamental for our region,” Bardi said. “The completion of the reservoir has always been a priority for our government. After decades of neglect, we have finally achieved a strategic objective for the relaunch of the Lucanian economy.”

The outgoing Lucanian Councilor for the Environment, Cosimo Latronico (elected councilor with FdI in the Regional elections of April 21 and 22) added that “the Meloni government, on the recommendation of the Basilicata Region, has allocated 110 million euros for the restoration of the Rendina reservoir. An intervention proposed by the land reclamation consortium and supported by President Bardi with determination who requested and obtained its inclusion in the Pniisi. It is – he added – a strategic infrastructure for the territory, whose need is felt even more due to climate change and the difficult situation related to water shortages – concluded Latronico – which is part of the regional government’s strategy to increase the reservoir capacity and to make the water resource a lever for development both for the agricultural and production districts of the region”.

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