A country of fascists: “Stop gay pride, Lucca doesn’t want you” the attack against Tuscany Pride 2024

A country of fascists: “Stop gay pride, Lucca doesn’t want you” the attack against Tuscany Pride 2024
A country of fascists: “Stop gay pride, Lucca doesn’t want you” the attack against Tuscany Pride 2024

3 min. of reading

Just five days after publishing a post on Instagram containing the details of the Toscana Pride 2024, the event is already at the center of controversy. This year, the location chosen is Luccaonce a Christian Democratic stronghold known as “the city of a hundred churches”, a useful epithet to underline the context of the controversies that are emerging.

Traditionally, Toscana Pride, like many other Pride Wave events in Italy, was organized between June and July. However, due to overlaps with other events of the Lucca summer, the organizing committee had to move the date to September 7tha month already full of historical and religious events in the city.

The situation is made more complex by reaction of the centre-right mayor, Mario Pardini, that if he initially showed collaboration with the organization, today he harshly criticizes the choice of the date of the parade, calling it “inappropriate” due to its coincidence with other very popular events and raising concerns about possible overpopulation and incompatibility.

Some speculate that the criticisms actually hide a targeted obstructionism against an LGBTQIA+ themed event, attributing this position to a municipal council influenced by representatives with distant roots in CasaPound. Theory strengthened by the fact that Pardini himself had initially suggested two other dates that could have presented similar problems.

We had an in-depth discussion about the rich calendar of events in Lucca. We had certain needs, while the Municipality had others. We examined together the pros and cons of various dates, and in the end we chose September 7th – explains Monia Marcacci, spokesperson for Toscana Pride –

Although that date is also not completely event-free in Lucca, it presents no significant logistical obstacles. The Police Headquarters itself confirmed that there are no problems.

The dialogue with the Mayor, which I would still define as civil and positive up to this point, was, moreover, mainly technical. It wasn’t about how he sees or doesn’t see the battle for rights, which is a natural expression of certain political groups“.

The Stronger criticism, however, comes from the far right in Lucca. The “Patriots Network” group recently put up offensive posters bearing the slogan “Stop gay pride, Lucca doesn’t want you“, increasing the tension, but also the determination of the organizing committee to reach where there is most need.

The itinerant soul of Toscana Pride, which chooses a different city every year, also moves with the aim of reaching people who live in less welcoming territories. This is particularly relevant, since what happened in Lucca is an exception: Tuscany in general is an area where our requests are often reflected in the institutions.

We are therefore even more motivated to advance our demands, which concern important political issues such as the rights of rainbow families and trans people, among others. We will bring our bodies, our demands and our battles to Lucca with determination“.

In response, progressive forces rallied to Pride’s defense. The Greens, the Italian Left and the Democratic Party expressed disdain, while Alessandra Nardini, PD regional councilor for equal opportunities, publicly condemned “the shame of the flyers”supporting the organizing committee.

Despite the controversies, Marcacci, together with the coordination team, does not allow himself to be intimidated and continues with determination in the preparations for the event, collaborating closely with the police headquarters to ensure the safety and success of Toscana Pride 2024.

Our call to action, to participate, has already started and does not only concern the very important participation at the moment of the parade event, but also in the approach route.

We want to improve ourselves in opening up to realities on the margins, both inside and outside the LGBTQIA+ movement, which can help us build Toscana Pride. For this reason, we will offer support not only during the demonstration in the square on 7 September, but also to those who wish to contribute and participate in the process of building this important political demonstration.“.

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