The Giulini presidency turns 10 years old

On 19 June 2014 Tommaso Giulini – after the signing of the documents, which took place at dawn on 11 June – officially became the president of Cagliari Calcio.

Exactly 10 years have passed since that day: a decade of work dedicated to the improvement and development of the Company in every area. Already among the longest-serving presidents in Cagliari’s more than one hundred year history, eight seasons in Serie A with two immediate promotions, he is currently the one who has led the rossoblù team for the most years in the top flight.

With Giulini, there was a strong focus and impulse towards the growth of the youth sector right from the start, also demonstrated by the birth of specific projects such as the Cagliari Football Academy. A long and patient work to strengthen the academy which has already begun to bear fruit: the Rossoblù Primavera is now among the most important teams in the championship and, above all, more and more boys are fulfilling their dream of playing in the first team .

Development of the brand at an international level, also with the aim of bringing the team closer to its many fans and supporters around the world; social commitment, conducted in collaboration with partners such as the Carlo Enrico Giulini Foundation, which over time has led to projects – also awarded abroad – such as the Curva Futura, the first sector of an Italian stadium entirely dedicated to children, where with the “School of Cheering” you are taught to cheer positively, always for your favorite team, never against your opponents.

Another fundamental point, the infrastructures: the Assemini Sports Center, the CRAI Sport Center, for professionals among the most beautiful and functional facilities in Italy, in recent years has been the subject of modernization and expansion works, with the creation of new playing fields and a covered grandstand.

Crucial asset, the stadium: from the expansion of the capacity of the Sant’Elia as the first step, in 2014, to allow the team to remain and play in Cagliari, to the birth in 2017 of the Sardegna Arena – now Unipol Domus – built in record time , in just 127 days. But above all the concrete projects for the birth of a new stadium: a new home of the rossoblù fans, modern and cutting-edge, capable of hosting up to 30,000 spectators and major international events, a project that everyone now hopes for.

Investments, perseverance, dreams to realize together while looking with confidence to the future of the Club.

Ad maiora, Pres!

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