Syringe seized, autopsy pending

Syringe seized, autopsy pending
Syringe seized, autopsy pending

She was found on the ground, curled up, and wearing house clothes. The tragic discovery was made on Sunday morning, after her mother had tried in vain to contact her. She is Sara Altomeni, a 42-year-old from Fano, found lifeless in her home, leaving her family, friends and acquaintances, as well as the entire neighborhood, in despair.

The drama took place in San Lazzaro. Sara lived in via Ambrosini, only in the company of her little pitbull Nikita, who she had adopted a few years ago. In fact, the girl is also mourned by the many people who work to support animals, among whom she enjoyed a certain respect.

Unfortunately, however, Sara is no longer here. It was her mother who found her and, not receiving any answers to her phone, decided to join her at her house. There was no response even to the doorbell, so the neighbors intervened and broke down the door. The young woman was lying on the ground, now lifeless.

On site were the 118 paramedics – who could do nothing but confirm her death, which dates back to Saturday evening – as well as the Carabinieri of the scientific team and the coroner. The autopsy will establish what actually happened. In the meantime, however, there are some certainties: on the one hand, it is already possible to exclude that it was a homicide – no signs of violence were found on the woman’s body, and the front door was locked from the inside with a double turn of the key -, in addition, a syringe was found and seized. Every hypothesis is therefore now being examined. Among these, also the illness and the use of narcotics. Acquaintances also tell of a difficult time for the 42-year-old, of a possible state of depression that clashed with her large and bright eyes. Any further supposition is however risky at the moment. Investigations are also underway into the 42-year-old’s last contacts.

Heartbreaking message published on social media by her father Italo: “At this moment I am thinking of my daughter. May you angels accompany her – he wrote -, so that she does not feel alone. Your dad”. A few hours later, a thank you for the many messages of condolence and closeness.

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