Truffles, the session for the qualification exam for “seeker” in Tuscany has been postponed to spring

TUSCANY – The 2024 autumn session of the truffle harvesting qualification exams has been postponed to spring 2025.

Passion/profession which has also seen a real surge in our Chianti area.

Therefore, applications for the first exam session of the 2025 year can be submitted starting from 1 January 2025.

The postponement takes place pending the approval of the Regulation implementing Regional Law 36 of 2023, to allow future collectors to attend the preparatory training course for accessing the suitability exam required by the new regulation.

In fact, one becomes a truffle hunter only after much study, passing an exam and obtaining a license which authorizes the search for truffles.

The exam is only in written form, lasts 30 minutes and consists of 30 closed-ended questions. To be eligible, the candidate must correctly answer at least 26 questions.

“Becoming a truffle hunter – as explained by the vice-president and councilor for agriculture Stefania Saccardi – means being in contact with nature and its fruits, but also trying to safeguard the surrounding area”.

“For all this – he points out – one cannot improvise as a truffle hunter, but must study for a long time to obtain a card that authorizes the search and collection of truffles”.

“Too often, in fact – he states – we notice the damage caused by “improvised truffle hunters”: inexperienced searchers, without a card and the knowledge of biology, ecology and mycology necessary to move in the woods”.

“Who collect truffles without being authorized – he concludes – often damaging the habitat surrounding the truffle and compromising its development and future growth”.


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