Published on June 19, 2024

Published on June 19, 2024

21 – 22 June 2024

Regional Office for Catechesis

A regional catechetical conference with trainers and priests and a large gathering with catechists from all the dioceses of Sicily dedicated to the theme “Listening, communication and languages. Evangelizing in the Sicilian context”. They will be held in Caltanissetta on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd June, promoted by the National Catechetical Office and organized by the CESi Regional Catechetical Office, together with the Regional Office for Social Communications and the Sicilian Presbyteral Commission (CPS).

Among the recipients – in addition to priests, the Presbyteral Commission, the UCD team and diocesan delegations – also the regional assistants and delegates of Catholic Action and Agesci and, of course, the catechists, catechist assistants and animators from all over Sicily.

The program of the regional catechetical conference – Caltanissetta, 21-22 June 2024

The first day, Friday 21stthe work will be intended first for the priests and then for the diocesan teams of the Catechesis Offices.

In the morning, for the part organized with CPS e reserved for the priests of Sicilywe will reflect on the “status of catechesis in Sicily in the light of the reports for the ad limina visit” and then a voice will be given to the children and their families through a video edited by the Office for Social Communications and the CESi Press Office We will then focus on “Listening, communication and languages”, also through a “fraternal discussion on the Proclamation and Catechesis in Sicily”.

In the afternoon the part reserved for Ucd Teams, which will be dedicated to Listening. We will begin with a listening experience and will continue by “listening to man” and then comparing it in a group.

In this part, together with Bishop Gisana delegate for Catechesis, Msgr. will also participate. Antonino Raspanti, bishop of Acireale and president of the Sicilian Episcopal Conference, who will preside over the Eucharistic celebration, and mons. Valentino Bulgarelli, director of the national catechetical office.

In the evening, in the Cathedral, a catechetical journey through figurative arts and music.

For mgr. Rosario Gisana, bishop of Piazza Armerina and CESi delegate for Catechesis,”the catechetical conference intends to grasp the state of evangelization in the Sicilian context, taking into account some fundamental instances of the transmission of faith: listening, communication, languages”. For the prelate, the theme is “in tune with the prophetic phase of the National Synod” and for this very reason it can “be a stimulus for a pastoral approach that is renewed“.

Letter of invitation to the Conference, from Msgr. Rosario Gisana

Saturday 22 June, the Conference will be open to those in parishes across the island who deal with catechesis and the doctrine of the faith. The large regional gathering will take place in the large space between the Cathedral and the historic center of Caltanissetta.

Morning reflection reserved for all Catechists in the region. We will start with the area of ​​Communication.

The Sicilian catechists, accompanied by the bishop of Caltanissetta, mons. Mario Russotto, will “listen to the Word”. Then, following the general theme of the meeting, “Listening, Communication and Languages”, it will be proposed “The journey of the Word in the time of artificial intelligence and digital witnesses”: a round table with Andrea Monda, director of l’Osservatore romano, Marco Tibaldi, theologian, writer and journalist, and Msgr. Valentino Bulgarelli, director of the Catechistic Office of the CEI.

In the afternoon it will be time for “Language Festival” with all the catechists of the region. The party will allow you to live and share different experiences: announcement and narration made with words, images, music; those relating to the union between art and catechesis, within the diocesan museum; theatrical and dramatization; musical, both by groups and chorals; of prayer and adoration; of active and effective testimony of Charity; of popular Pietà, which in Caltanissetta takes on absolutely interesting characteristics.

All the moments are linked by the biblical icon that will accompany the works: the Lucanian one of the disciples of Emmaus. “The announcement of the Gospel – says Mgr. Gisana – it bears fruit to the extent that it reaches the hearts of those who, in a state of following, open themselves to listening. It’s important – he adds – enhance the questions that transpire from those who welcome the exemplary nature of the believer’s testimony, in addition to the reception of the multiplicity of languages: the Risen One, after having welcomed the embassy of the two disciples, delivers a word that opens up the mind and heart”.

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