«Shared vision of the future of the city»

Laura Nargi welcomes Rino Genovese. The mayoral candidate of the “Really”, “We are Avellino” and “Viva la Libertà” lists willingly accepts the support received from the third place in the first round. A union between coalitions without party symbols – Genovese was head of the Civic Pact for Avellino – which also establishes peace between former allies, in particular between the former deputy mayor of Gianluca Festa and Livio Petitto and Angelo Antonio D’Agostino who had rejected his candidacy landing in the coalition led by the Rai journalist who, despite not presenting party lists, in fact incorporated the entire center right with the exception of the Brothers of Italy.

Nargi motivates in one press note the reasons for his yes to Genovese: «I welcome the proposal for a programmatic agreement for a shared vision of the city’s future. In fact, I believe that there are many points of contact between mine and his political proposal to achieve good governance of our beloved Avellino. In recent weeks I have also appreciated the institutional style and politeness that characterized the way in which Genovese related to the electoral campaign. Finally, what we have in common is:with the civic connotation of our lists and the strong distance that they express from a party system, that of the left that Gengaro imposed, which is increasingly self-referential and distant from the real needs of citizens”.

Genovese shared the decision to express his opinion in favor of one of the two candidates who reached the final playoff with the 150 candidates from the five lists linked to his name. However, not everyone shared the final choice. Among these is Rita Cesta, a lawyer candidate in the Civic Pact list for Avellino, who in the five years of Festa administration has waged some important civic battles, including the one against the mini cycle path of Viale Italia built on the porphyry sidewalks close to homes and flowerbeds and against the noisy nightlife in the historic center at night.

Contacted by telephone, Cesta clarifies: «I would have preferred that the city made a courageous choice rewarding our civic pact but, evidently, this was not the case. I continue to believe that Genovese would have been a good mayor for Avellino and I appreciate that he wanted to share his reflections with us in view of the runoff. Having said that, although my position is absolutely individual, I will not vote for those who represent full continuity with the Festa administration.”

On the other front, the center-left mayoral candidate, Antonio Gengaro, after having confronted the aspiring mayors of the first round Aldo D’Andrea of ​​Popular Unit, Gennaro Romei of the UDC and Vittorio Boccieri of Progetto Avellino Futura, collected the credit opening of Rifondazione Comunista. The city secretary, Costantino D’Argenio, one of the candidates of Popular Unity, while not sparing criticism of the Democratic Party, contrasts «the indistinct aggregate that claims continuity without saying a word on the moral issue that has affected it», autonomy of Gengaro «whose path we have crossed paths with several times in the past and whose love for the city we recognize». But it is on some priority issues that D’Argenio asks the broad candidate for a commitment in exchange for support in the run-off: opening of the autism centre, redevelopment and replacement of old prefabs, strengthening of social policies.

An opening immediately welcomed positively by Gengaro, who met the citizens of San Tommaso last night: «The programmatic points indicated by the Prc as priorities are absolutely shared by my coalition and contained in our program. We fully share them, certain that we will be able to grasp them together when the vote, also thanks to Rifondazione, will hand me the responsibility of administering the city.” Having skipped the American-style confrontation which should have been moderated by the president of the Campania ODG, Ottavio Lucarelli, Nargi and Gengaro will meet this morning in the Rai studios in Naples for the last electoral platform dedicated to the Avellino elections.​


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