work rehabilitation for patients suffering from mental disorders

The press conference to present the Brain & Breakfast project was held at the headquarters of the Cogestito ASL Bt Day Center in Andria.

The project, promoted by the “Obiettivo Salute” association and financed by the Puglia Region, “Puglia Capitale Sociale 3.0” notice, intends to carry out a real social, cultural and institutional regeneration, aiming at the work rehabilitation (and not only) of patients suffering from mental disorders, for the development of an innovative and generative inclusion process.

Consistent with its aims, it involves three important territorial entities: the Società Cooperativa Sociale Questa Città – Partner Subject -, the “Aldo Moro” Higher Secondary Education Institute of Trani and the ASL BT – Mental Health Department, both Collaborating Subjects.

The project aims to consolidate community practices in a synergistic and innovative way and to strengthen active citizenship.

It also intends to aim at promoting the territory, through the valorisation of the Andria White Art and beyond, an ancient craft to be enhanced with new technologies.

Speakers included the Director of the Puglia Region Wellness Service, Dr. Laura Liddo; the Director of DSM ASL Bt Dr. Giuseppe Barrasso; the Director of the UOC CSM Barletta Dr. Philip Iovine; the legal representative of the Coop. Soc. “This City” Dr. Nunzio di Canosa and the volunteer member of the “Obiettivo Salute” association Dr. Romanelli Annunziata.

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