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“It’s super joyful”: in Rennes, she organizes baby booms

“It’s super joyful”: in Rennes, she organizes baby booms
“It’s super joyful”: in Rennes, she organizes baby booms

“We just do very simple steps. It’s a way for mothers to get out of the house and gently reconnect with their bodies after giving birth.” Hélène Allard still has energy to spare after her dance initiation for parents and babies organized on Thursday, June 27 in the La Touche district of Rennes.

Called Boom Boum Dance, she brought this original concept back from the United States. The goal: to make parents dance for almost an hour who want to “have fun while creating a bond with the baby”. It also allows mothers tired after giving birth to “meet people and get out of the house after several months of pregnancy”.

Lemon plush

On the playlist composed of Lady Gaga and Whitney Houston among others… parents are free to follow in the host’s footsteps, she insists on the fact that “there is no need for prerequisites or knowing how to dance, it’s is accessible to all. The mothers dance to the rhythm of the music, the baby snug against them.

With her cheerful lemon-shaped soft toy in her hands, Helene wants to put herself “in the body of women when they carry their baby” and justifies her choice because “it gives you energy, it’s fun and the smiley side represents me”.


“It’s super happy, my children are happy, they’re dancing,” explains Chloé, mother of three children. Passers-by and local residents watch the choreography and the event with curious eyes. Wooden constructions, small cars, ball pools… the entertainment also offers small activities for those who don’t like dancing.

The rest of the year, Hélène Allard offers paid courses at the MJC La Paillette or at the Colombier center taking place in small groups of 5 to 15 people. Parents can also come “to the session” and Hélène announces that she will launch at the start of the school year “a digital subscription with online appointments so you can also dance from home, whenever you want and every day”.

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