Fight against drug dealing in Calabria: 5 people arrested. VIDEOS and NAMES

Fight against drug dealing in Calabria: 5 people arrested. VIDEOS and NAMES
Fight against drug dealing in Calabria: 5 people arrested. VIDEOS and NAMES

The Carabinieri of the Company of Cosenza have implemented an order of personal precautionary measure, issued by the GIP at the Court of Cosenza, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, against 5 suspects, known to the Police Force, held responsible for illegal possession and sale of narcotic substances, mainly heroin and, sometimes, hashish, in the city of Cosenza.
In this regard, we inform you, in respect of the rights of the suspects (to be considered presumed innocent in consideration of the current phase of the proceedings until a definitive finding of guilt with an irrevocable sentence), in order to guarantee the constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of the press, that each of them was charged with the crime referred to in the art. 73 Presidential Decree n.309/1990, committed, sometimes, in conjunction with each other.
The investigating judge at the Cosenza Court ordered precautionary custody in prison for 3 suspects, while to the other two he respectively applied the precautionary measure of house arrest and the obligation to report to the judicial police.
As a result of the investigative activity carried out by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Cosenza Company, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, serious indications of guilt emerged against them and, furthermore, the danger that they could commit crimes of the same type.
There have been several documented transfers of doses of narcotic substances in the urban center of Cosenza, in exchange for a suitable monetary consideration, such as to satisfy the daily requests of the users.

In jail:
Eugenio Bozzo
Cristian Andrea Tornelli
Alberto Prisco.

Under house arrest
Alessio Pietro
Signature requirement for Franco Pio Illuminato.

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