Altamura weather, the forecast for tomorrow Thursday 20 June

Thursday 20 June in Altamura stable and sunny weather conditions are expected for the entire day. Temperatures will rise during the morning and reach high values ​​in the afternoon, then gradually decrease towards the evening.

In the morning on Thursday 20 June, the sky will be clear with 0% cloud cover. Temperatures will be around +30°Cwith a perception of heat that can surpass the +32°C due to 23% humidity. The wind will blow from the North with a speed of 20.2km/hwith gusts up to 21.9km/h.

In the afternoon, the sky will remain clear with minimal cloud cover (0-3%). Maximum temperatures will be reached around +37°Cwith a perception of heat that can surpass the +35°C. The wind will increase its intensity slightly, reaching blows up to 28.9km/h with gusts up to 32.8km/h.

In evening, weather conditions will remain stable with clear skies and cloud cover between 1% and 3%. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching around +25°C. The wind coming from the North West will blow with a speed of 12.3km/hwith gusts up to 22.7km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Thursday 20 June in Altamura indicates a day characterized by sun and heat, with high temperatures during the day and a slight drop towards the evening. It is advisable to pay attention to high temperatures and protect yourself adequately from the sun’s rays. For the next few days, stable and sunny weather conditions are expected to remain stable, with temperatures that could remain high.

All the weather data for Thursday 20 June in Altamura

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