the 10th edition of “The time of the little ones” presented –

This year’s children’s party went all out! After the transformation of the cities of Ruvo, Terlizzi and Corato into Cities of Children, the caravan of the 10th edition of “Il Tempo dei Piccoli” set off to return to Andria from 19 to 23 June. Already last year Andria chose to make a revolution and become a Child City, because a child-friendly city is an inclusive city for everyone, it is an opportunity to change perspective, to rediscover wonder.

«Maybe, while growing up, we could maintain the spontaneity of children – he says Giovanna Bruno, Mayor of Andria . Curiosity, amazement, wonder. Things that are lost with adulthood. Yet, all is not lost! This is why we have chosen to work for a city that is also child-friendly: to give a new opportunity even to those who are no longer child-friendly, to be moved by this series of cultural proposals, to immerse themselves in art, music, dance, games, laughter, parades and dreams… dreams! The dream, which is a desire, to grow with the awareness of a society in which the human dimension is sealed by the beauty of children. Behold, the Child City!

«The Beauty of the child’s gaze, accompanied by rebel teachers with the profound question of “who educates who?”, is present in the four cities of Andria, Corato, Ruvo, Terlizzi, who have decided to walk in communities suitable for girls and boys, a city accessible to the little ones and therefore to everyone, suitable for the elderly, the weakest groups, a city that recognizes the value of the common good in participation – he says Daniela Di Bari, Councilor for Beauty -. Revolutionary action that marks the explosion of love and the aspiration to grow with wonder, imagining and experiencing the Good, the True, the Happiness, the Peace in creation and among creatures by fully participating in the live and real show. All of this is a beautiful experiential journey, it is generative, it is free. Very good Child City, act of love for a happy city!

The 10th edition of the children’s festival is dedicated to Rebel Masters, to those women and men who managed to change the trajectory of history, modifying or inventing the rules of reality. Andria celebrates a woman who revolutionized the teaching of mathematics by bringing her teaching insights abroad. Her name was Emma Castelnuovo, and fought against mathematics used as a selective social weapon, which he contrasted with a teaching that helps to read reality, to reason autonomously and critically as aware citizens. The National Group of Pedagogy of the Sky with will tell it Mathematics and Freedom, Saturday 22 June at 5pm at the San Francesco Cloister. But let’s start from the beginning…

The posters of this revolution, drawn by boys and girls, are already on the streets and everything is ready to begin: Wednesday 19 June we start with matinees for schools; at 9pm the doors of the smallest theater in the world open with the show Totò of the Trees in the courtyard of the Municipal Library, also repeated Thursday 20th and Friday 21st.

Friday 21 June at 5pm the big one leaves from Parco IV Novembre (Monument to the Fallen). Parade which heads to Pensieve of the Child City in the San Francesco Cloister, where the works of the G207 of boys and girls. At 7pm, the Teatrino Viaggiante arrives directly from Bologna at Largo Giannotti The extraordinary adventures of Nociocchio the double bass. After the reply of Totò of the treesat 10pm everyone in Castel del Monte with The Lunatics to listen to curious stories and observe the sky…

Saturday 22 Junefrom 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 8pm, the San Francesco Cloister transforms into Construction site for Città Bambina with Disco Labirinto, Lunari Munari, Toy Hospital, RadioCittàBambina, Pensioio G207. In the meantime… a lot of things happen: from 10am to 6pm Humana Fortesta accompanies us on a theatrical walk in the Villa Comunale; We’ll find out at 11am Little Mysteries at the Mugiò (Toy Museum); After Mathematics and freedomat 7pm Officina San Domenico opens its doors to The sneer of Bubbù: a game, a challenge, a story made of sounds and movement; to follow, in front of the workshop he arrives Le petit tap, a street show really done with your feet that tells a love story in an apecar (repeated on Sunday 23rd at 7pm at the Ex Macello); for those who want to continue listening to stories, at 9pm at the Ex Macello, the Burambò company tells the story Esterina Centvestiti. We return to the Workshop at 10pm with I would like to meet you along the roads that lead to Indiaan unlikely and necessary meeting between a Murgian and three Indians who even as adults meet… as children. And for those who really don’t want to go to sleep… at 10.30pm in Largo Giannotti, La Contrabbassa will transform the traveling theater into a cinema: young men and women, Buster Bagatelle!

Sunday 23 June work continues in Child city construction site which is enriched with My Shadow, The Gathering of the Birds and Albo Mondo. At 10am it will be time to participate in a Socratic dialogue: Where they are born ideas with Michele Lobaccaro, author and musician of Radiodervish. At 11am, curiosity, fascination and fear at Mugiò with Waves and at the same time he arrives in the Council Chamber Spiderman, told by Amramaxa, an ironic and touching story about bullying, freedom and the right to be yourself. At 6pm, the puppets prepare their stage clothes for Fragile. Handle with Care, the sweet and delicate story of the complexity of being and meeting. The appointment at 8pm with the irreverent Okidok company is unmissable, arriving from Belgium at the Ex slaughterhouse with Slips Inside, considered among the most interesting exponents of the new international clowning. “The Time of the Little Ones” comes to an end (only momentarily!) and leaves for a long journey together with all the birds of the world, but only after The Bird Conference of 9pm at the San Francesco Cloister.

Complete program on

Online ticketing:

Box office and info point:

19-20-21 June (6.00pm – 9.00pm): Municipal Library

22-23 June (10.00 – 13.00 and 18.00 – 21.00): Cloister of San Francesco

Monday 17 June 2024


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