Guardia di Finanza, the new provincial commander of Catanzaro Manno takes office

Guardia di Finanza, the new provincial commander of Catanzaro Manno takes office
Guardia di Finanza, the new provincial commander of Catanzaro Manno takes office

CATANZARO This morning, in the “Soveria Mannelli” Barracks, in the presence of the Regional Commander of Calabria, Division General Gianluigi D’Alfonso, the turnover ceremony in the office of Provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza took place between Gen. B. Domenico Grimaldi and Colonel t.ST Pierpaolo Manno. The ceremony was attended by all the Officers and Department Commanders of the Province of Catanzaro, as well as a large representation of Financiers in service and on leave from the local ANFI Section. In his farewell speech, General Grimaldi, fully satisfied with the period spent, underlined the commitment made by all the soldiers of the Provincial Command in carrying out their institutional tasks and thanked all the staff for the great professionalism and collaboration always provided which has allowed us to achieve prestigious and brilliant operational results. Col. Manno, in his inauguration speech, addressed a greeting to the Regional Commander of Calabria, Gen. D. Gianluigi D’Alfonso, expressing his satisfaction with the demanding and prestigious role that he is about to take on. Continuing, the new Commander, trusting in the active support of his collaborators, declared his firm desire to make every physical and intellectual energy available to the Guardia di Finanza, the institutions and the healthy community, in defense of honest citizens and the legal economy , through the peculiar activities to combat tax evasion and control public spending as well as an ever greater and convinced fight against all those criminal manifestations which ‘mortify this beautiful, noble and virtuous land’. The Regional Commander concluded the short but significant ceremony by welcoming the new Provincial Commander, wishing him good work, and also renewed his thanks to General Grimaldi for the exceptional personal commitment and contribution provided to defend legality and guarantee effectiveness of the Corps’ action, hoping for a future full of personal and professional satisfaction for the General Officer. Originally from Lecce, 52 years old, married with two children, Colonel Manno attended the Guardia di Finanza Academy from 1991 to 1996.

Colonel Manno

Graduated in Law, Economics and Commerce and Economic and Financial Security Sciences, he obtained a second level Master’s degree in Corporate Tax Law from the L. Bocconi University of Milan. During his career he served at the General Command of the Corps both in the area of ​​Personnel and International Relations while, on the territory, he has held numerous operational roles, commanding various departments in Lazio, Emilia Romagna, Veneto and, recently, in Puglia with the functions of Provincial Commander of Brindisi. In 2012, at the end of the two-year Higher Course, he obtained the title Tax Police School and, subsequently, was assigned to the Palermo Tax Police Unit where he remained until 2015 carrying out investigations against mafia-type criminal associations in the matter money laundering and revenue protection. The last professional experience in chronological order, before the transfer to the Provincial Command of Catanzaro, was attendance at the “Centro Alti Studi della Difesa” (CASD) in Rome – a study body in the field of management training and security studies and defense – which allowed him to obtain the relevant title.

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