In Trieste tomorrow 18 June and the day after tomorrow 19 June in Udine the award-winning Babilonia Teatri will be on stage with “Pietre Nere” – PrimaFriuli

In Trieste tomorrow 18 June and the day after tomorrow 19 June in Udine the award-winning Babilonia Teatri will be on stage with “Pietre Nere” – PrimaFriuli
In Trieste tomorrow 18 June and the day after tomorrow 19 June in Udine the award-winning Babilonia Teatri will be on stage with “Pietre Nere” – PrimaFriuli

It’s the company Babylon Theatreswinner of numerous awards including two Ubu (the Oscars of Italian theatre) and awarded the prestigious Silver Lion at the 2016 Biennale Teatro, inaugurated tomorrow June 18thwith the show “Black stones“, The 11 shows scheduled to Trieste – of which 3 in collaboration with Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia and 1 in collaboration with Trieste Summer – from the ninth edition Of FESTIL_Coastal summer festivaldirected by Tommaso Tuzzoli and Federico Bellini. Also on stage with the company Francesco Albericianother important name on the national theater scene, Ubu Award 2021 as best actor/performer under 35. The show will be staged Bartoli Room at 9.00 pm, in collaboration with Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the next dayWednesday 19 June, you can see it at Udine For FESTIL/Theatre Contact Summer (Palamostre Theater, 9.00 pm).

FESTIL is organized by TINAOS and created with the contribution of MiCfrom the Region Autonomous Friuli Venezia Giulia and with the support of Friuli Foundation and of The Casali Foundationsin close collaboration with CSS Stable innovation theater of FVGwith whom he shares the Teatro Contatto Estate Season in Udine, Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giuliaand with the partnership of Primorski Poletni Festival, Hrvatsko Narodno Kazaliste Ivan pl Zajc/National Theater I. Zajc of Rijeka (HR), COMITES Fiume, La Contrada – Teatro Stabile di Triesteand media partners Radio Onde FurlaneAnd Zero Point Radio.

Black Stones” is the show with Enrico Castellani, Valeria Raimondi, Francesco Alberici and with Orlando Castellaniproduced by Babylon Theaters and the Hospital Court in co-production with Operaestate Festival Veneto, the result of the investigation conducted in the Asti area within Casa Mondo, the winning project of the Art Waves tender by Compagnia San Paolo. For the creation of Casa mondo Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi, with the artistic collaboration of Francesco Alberici, invited five artists to create a work. Each of them was asked to choose a place of investigation so that on the basis of knowledge and encounter an artistic work could be returned, with the aim of giving life to a theatrical show within which the materials received are voices, sounds, images capable of nourishing the composition and reflection on the concept of home starting from the places that, in the eyes of most, are not homes: retirement homes, family homes, prisons, hospitals, streets, reception centers .

«“Black stones” it strips and centrifuges our idea of ​​home […] it is home in all its infinite variations. / Personal and social. / Intimate and public», write Babilonia Teatri in the director’s notes.

Thus the critic Graziano Graziani (“Minima & Moralia”) on the show: «“Pietre Nere” is a real investigation, carried out in the territory of Asti, and as often happens with the theater of Babilonia, it has the quality of precisely targeting the hot issues that agitate the conscious and unconscious of our contemporaneity. It is an operation that the Veronese duo – which is rare in the theatrical panorama – practically always succeeds, thanks to a writing that brings together profound reflections and lists of stock phrases, intimate thoughts and collective thoughts, pop drifts and evocation of conflict, in a synthesis that is at the same time personal and political. “Pietre Nere” is no exception, a reflection born from the changed perception triggered by the pandemic, but with a decidedly broader gaze and scope».

The shows will follow on stage in Trieste for FESTIL: “Death or Sunday lunch” Of Mariano Dammacco with Serena Bailiff (25 June, Sala Bartoli), “Like a kind of vertigo. The Dwarf, Calvino, freedom” of and with Mario Perrotta (June 28, Sala Bartoli), “Only when I work am I happy” of and with Lorenzo Maragoni And Niccolò Fettarappa (July 3, Teatro dei Fabbri), two evenings dedicated to the contemporary drama project “Past future” (9 and 10 July, Teatro dei Fabbri), “Stories about us” Of Beatrice Monroy with Giuseppe Provinzano (19 July, Teatro dei Fabbri), “To you and family” Of Angelo Campolo And Giulia Drogo (24 July, Teatro dei Fabbri), “Most: the view beyond the bridge” of and with Angelo Floramo with live music by Fior delle Bolge and illustrations by Aleksandar Zograf (7 August, Garden of the Sartorio Museum).


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