Success for the first stop in Marsicovetere of Viaggio in Basilicata, promoted by the Ente Pro Loco Basilicata with the Alba Association

MARSICOVETERE (PZ) – The first stop in Marsicovetere (Pz) of “Viaggio in Basilicata” promoted by the Pro Loco Basilicata Aps body with the Alba Association was very well attended. About fifty voluntary member representatives of the Lucanian Pro Loco and of the associations affiliated to the Third Sector Associative Network EPLI – Ente Pro Loco Italiane Aps met in the characteristic village of Val d’Agri in the Apennine Lucanian Val d’Agri Lagonegrese National Park to discover of the historic center and its beauties welcomed by the volunteers of the Alba Association of Marsicovetere coordinated by the President Isabella Briglia. From Palazzo Rossi along Corso Vittorio Emanuele accompanied by the Tourist Guide Maria Antonietta Giliberti together with the President of the “Alba – Freely Start Associative Wellbeing” Association Isabella Briglia, the numerous participants were able to admire: the Grotta dei Briganti, the ancient carpentry workshops, the ancient forges, used as cellars, the Archeos museum from prehistory to Roman civilization and the Museum of rural civilization “La Casa di Dorina”, set up in great detail by volunteers from Alba whose objective is the territorial promotion as well as the urban decoration of the village , the restoration of local traditions, recreational activities for children, cultural events, tourist itineraries for visitors. The city councilors Giuseppe Molinari, Cesira Russo, Cono D’ Elia, Maria Carmela Miraglia and Patrizia Vita were present and welcomed the initiative with a warm welcome. “We enthusiastically accepted the invitation of the Alba Association – underlines Rocco Franciosa, President of the Basilicata Pro Loco Association – to whom we applaud the important work of safeguarding and promoting the intangible and material cultural heritage linked to the centenary history of the beautiful village of Marsicovetere in the heart of the Lucanian Apennines Park. We can say that the first stage of Viaggio in Basilicata was a success – continues Franciosa – which aims to turn the spotlight on the Lucanian towns and highlight the extraordinary voluntary activity that many citizens offer with love and passion to revive local traditions and keep our beautiful historic centers alive to promote them and make them visit.” After lunch, tasting of typical local products at the Agriturismo “Il Giardino degli Ulivi”, in the afternoon, the regional managers of the Ente Pro Loco Basilicata Aps Rocco Franciosa, Maria Teresa Romeo, Pietro Marino and Franco Tornese, the President of the cultural association “Ca.Tali.Te” by Sarconi Alessandra Greco, the President of the Materano Philatelic Numismatic Club Paolo Paladino together with the representatives of the Pro Loco of Barile, Pisticci, Satriano di Lucania, Marconia, Stigliano, and a representation of visitors from Montescaglioso, Melfi and Potenza, were received at the municipal headquarters by the Mayor of Marsicovetere Marco Zipparri accompanied by the municipal councilors Cesira Russo, Cono d’ Elia, Chiara Pisano and Michele Carmignano. Mayor Zipparri underlined “we are grateful to the volunteers of Alba for their commitment to enhancing the historic center of Marsicovetere and we thank Ente Pro Loco Basilicata for the territorial promotion activity implemented which on this occasion saw our splendid protagonist community which, focusing on synergy, must increasingly and better aim at tourist valorisation capable of attracting tourists to show the extraordinary local historical and food and wine resources represented in particular by the truffle and Marsicovetere ham”. During the meeting with the municipal administration, after a reading of poems by the Marsicoveterese artist Amedeo Giovanni Di Marco taken from his book “Il Paese Felice”, the members of the Pro Loco Barile Emilio D’Andrea and Renato Paternoster intervened and dedicated of poems to Marsicovetere as a sign of gratitude for the splendid hospitality received.

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