Tennis – Piedmont Italian Champion: Rowers on the pitch with Oliaro, Francia and Amich

Lots of Casale rowers in the historic victory of the Piedmontese Under 11 and 12 team at the twenty-fifth edition of the Belardinelli Cup, played on the fields of the federal center of Castel di Sangro. On Saturday, Piedmont, led by coaches Roberto Marchegiani and Yari Intimo, beat Tuscany 4-1 in the final. For the Monferrato club, Emilio Oliaro (3.3), Matilde Amich (3.5) and Rebecca Carla Francia (4.3) were in the team. In the final, in the Under 12 men’s singles, Oliaro won 7-6, 6-1 against Alberto Crucero Ianis (3.2), while France, in the Under 11 women’s match, prevailed 6-0, 6-2 against Ginevra Mannari (4.2). In the semi-final, the Piedmontese had overcome Campania 5-2.

In B1: Rowers in the playout with the girls. Relegation for the men’s team
In the women’s Serie B1, Canottieri Casale closes the regular season on Sunday 16 June with a 3-1 victory against Tennis Tolentino from the Marches. Excellent performance by Greta Rizzetto (2.5) who prevailed with a clear 6-1, 6-0 against Ilaria Sposetti (2.4), while with the same score Sofia Rocchetti (2.1) equalized the scores in the singles matches against Annathea Sara ( 2.5). Good performance from captain Giulia Gabba (2.5) against Giorgia Pinto (2.1): between dumps and volleys the home player won the victory with a score of 6-2, 6-0. In doubles, Gabba and Rizzetto won three important points by winning 7-6, 3-6, 10/5 against Pinto and Sposetti. Canottieri finishes the group stage with 9 points, finishing in fifth place. The playout phase will start on June 30th. Now we await the draw.

However, there is nothing to be done for the men’s team who snatched another 3-3 draw on the pitch of the Persiceto Tennis Center and in last place in group 1, with only three points, won in three days, must say goodbye to B1 and drop to the lower division , or Serie B2.
On the red clay of Bologna, Alessio Demichelis (2.3) had to surrender to the strong German Tim Handel (2.1) with a score of 6-2, 6-3. Good success 6-2, 6-1 by Luca Barbonaglia (2.5) against Arturo Pierangeli (2.6), stoppage in three sets instead for the number two from Casale Gregorio Biondolillo (2.3) against the equal ranking Sergio Badini: 6-3 for Emiliano, then the winner in the tie-break of the second set was Biondolillo and success in the photo finish for Badini who raised his arms to the sky at the final 7-5.
Comeback victory for Gabriele Soldà (2.6) against Luca Bigagli (3.3): after losing the first set to a tie-break, the player from Casale improves his level of play and finishes 6-1, 6-4. One success each in the two doubles: Biondolillo and Demichelis scored against Bigagli and Pierangeli, while Soldà and Barbonaglia surrendered to Handel and Perfetti. For the Canottieri boys, now head to the A2 Series which will begin next October.

Drive Up chooses Canottieri as the set for the episode broadcast on Saturday 22 June
Canottieri Casale on TV on Saturday 22 June at 1.40pm on Italia 1 for a new episode of Drive Up, the Mediaset program hosted by Ringo and Alessia Ventura. The cast of the format also includes journalists Ilaria Brugnotti and Lorenzo Candotti who tested the new Dacia Duster in Casale Monferrato. The filming, carried out on Wednesday 12 June, took place on the pier of Viale Lungo Po Gramsci: Giacomo Borella, Beatrice and Riccardo Allera “tested” the rowing skills of the hosts who lived the experience of a special trip on the Po river Together with them also Tiziano Allera, head of the rowing sector in the Monferrato club. After the Canottieri, the troupe moved to the central Piazza Mazzini, and then continued with a tour of the UNESCO hills. The episode of Drive Up will be broadcast again on Sunday 23 June, again on Italia 1, and will then always be available on demand on Mediaset Infinity.

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