Here’s who will buy Legnano Calcio

Sport | June 17, 2024

And in the meantime the name of a former president also resurfaces

Legnano – As the weeks go by, no positive news continues to arrive from the Legnano front, but one indeed Perhaps there are two hopes for looking to the future with a little more confidence. In fact, it seems that there are two entrepreneurs interested in purchasing the company, saving her from a future that is currently traveling quickly towards the “fourth point” of program proposed by Enea Benedetto last May 18th: liquidation and bankruptcy.

Dramatic situation

It sounds strange to talk about possible hopes after the many admissions by the management itself, which in the last few days for word of Benedetto and the former team manager Vercellotti talked about debts estimated at hundreds of thousands of euros and, so as not to miss anything, the freezing of company shares by the court of Alexandria for the crime of embezzlement. This would erase any discussion, but the new lawyer appointed by Legnano is confident of being able to unblock the judicial issue within a few days, thus reopening it to a possible sale. It should be noted that the issue linked to the salaries of players and staff would not have advanced a single step, the payment of which repeatedly promised by Benedetto would have been continually postponed. Translated: to date no signed releases.

Two figures for a tomorrow?

However, it seems that despite the gravity of the situation they are there two people interested in purchasing the company, but we need to act relatively quickly for all issues related toregistration for the next championship, Eccellenza or Serie D that it is. However, there is some news that has emerged in recent days, which makes the issue even more complicated another that reports to Emiliano Montanari and that’s no small premise. By virtue of agreements probably signed at the time of the change of ownership in March, the former lilac president would be the man with whom to negotiate a possible salewith Benedetto therefore forced to step aside while the interlocutors should speak only with the current owner of Victor San Marino.

Sometimes it comes back…

But who are these two figures? One is Marzio Buscaglia, close to Legnano several times, coming within a stone’s throw of it just before the sale of Munafò to Montanari. Then, it was the autumn of 2022, it seemed made for the move to Buscaglia but the latter actually withdrew at the last minute and the company was sold within a few days to the Roman entrepreneur. Then it was also mentioned last May but without results. The other group appears more mysterious in terms of names, but still seems to be linked to the territory. If the operation goes through it could be said that Legnano returns home after almost two years in the hands of “external” presidents who are unlikely to be remembered with affection. Beware of a further variable, that is, that the two interested groups decide to ally themselves to strengthen the offer to be submitted to Montanari, at the same time acquiring greater power at the negotiation level. What is certain is that the transfer, although complicated, is currently the only way to keep the lilac colors alive.

Matteo Floccari

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