Bologna weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 18 June

The weather forecast in Bologna for Tuesday 18 June predict generally stable conditions during the day. In the morning, the sky will be clear with cloud cover around 6-9%. Temperatures will be around +22°C, with a light breeze coming from the North. Clouds will increase slightly during the morning, but no precipitation is expected.

In the afternoon, skies will remain mostly clear with cloud cover below 10%. Temperatures will rise to +30°C, with a light breeze coming from the North – North East. Humidity conditions will remain around 40-45%, while atmospheric pressure will be stable.

In the evening, the situation will not undergo significant changes, with cloud cover around 3-5%. Temperatures will drop slightly, but will remain pleasant around +25°C. The wind will blow from the East – South East with moderate intensity.

In conclusion, Tuesday 18 June in Bologna a day with mostly clear skies and pleasant temperatures is expected. The weather conditions will remain stable also in the following days, with an increase in cloud cover expected for Wednesday. It is advisable to pay attention to any changes in weather conditions by consulting the updated weather forecast.

All the weather data for Tuesday 18 June in Bologna

Complete weather forecast for Bologna

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